
Jan 28, 2019

I am new to the forums, and while I have other chickenanigans going on, I am hoping to get some tips and advice for my first incubation adventure!

I have twelve silkie eggs coming within the week. I have an incubator arriving tomorrow. It is a Mini Advance Automatic Egg Incubator by Homaker. I already have a Premier Heating Plate for the hopeful chickadees, as well as a safe little coop setup inside for their first few weeks.

The incubator has a built in candler, but I am thinking about buying a stand alone, just in case? I'd love advice, and suggestions as a whole!

I have had four lovely hens for about three years now (four silkie/easter egger mixes named Dandelion, Viola, and Orchid, and a spunky barred rock named Carnation), and recently added a sixth to my personal flock (a broody bossy black maran we have dubbed Hellebore), so I am not new to chickens persay, but certainly to incubation! We only hatched one chick a little over a year ago, and she was a surprise, as our roosters were rehomed not long before hand, haha. She's a lovely little silkie mix named Magnolia, our fifth hen, and is almost a mirror image of her mother, Dandelion.

I am mostly making this venture for fun, and in light of the fact we finished renovating a 100+ year old brick greenhouse on our property into a big, cozy coop for our present five girls. They certainly have room for some future company!

Thank you for the opportunity to be part of such a fun, chickie lovin' community!
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Thank you, both of you!
Hello Honeycluckle! Welcome to the BYC! I am so excited to hear about your new project. I know you will be busy but I would truly love to see pics of your current group and then when you get a chance a few pics as you set up incubation and along the process. I hope I am not asking too much but would love to follow along and I love seeing pics of how everyone handles their additions of chickens.:wee
Hello Honeycluckle! Welcome to the BYC! I am so excited to hear about your new project. I know you will be busy but I would truly love to see pics of your current group and then when you get a chance a few pics as you set up incubation and along the process. I hope I am not asking too much but would love to follow along and I love seeing pics of how everyone handles their additions of chickens.:wee

Thank you! Sorry for the slow response, got busy getting everything ready. But the eggs arrived today! Here they are, sitting and getting their air bubbles in the right place at room temp:



Each hatchery since us a few extra, so we have sixteen total! The A's are from Alabama Silkies, the N's are from a New York based hatchery.

We have the incubator running while they settle, to make sure it's doing everything it is suppose to while they get ready. Here it is:


I will have to share more about my actual flock when I do an intro, but I will certainly do so! I love my mixbreed girls.
The egglets went into the incubator this morning~! We are letting them sit for the next day or so without the turner to encourage vein growth, I will post pictures of their first candling tomorrow probably. Wish us luck!
A bit late on the update, but we candled the egglets for the first time yesterday evening, and then turned on the automatic turner.

Here are a few photos. We candled all sixteen, though! Also, a photo of them set up to begin turning!


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