New and lovin this forum!


13 Years
May 8, 2010
Hey everyone. I finally decided to create my own screen name on here after lurking on my fiances since she signed up. I've come here to join the countless members that like my self are completely addicted to these silly feathered things. Go figure, I'm originally from Vermont, never had any interest in chickens while living there, move a little south of boston, and my fiance gets me into them.... strange things do happen. Along with chickens, I have many other hobbies including Photography, outdoor plants (mainly different types of bamboo) and aquariums. As my screen name implies (great play on my last initial if I do say so myself
) I love my little Seramas. As of right now I only have 1 breeding pair (though they were just recently moved from when we bought them and she has yet to lay any eggs for me, though it's only been a couple days) and 3 chicks that we also bought that are the pair's offspring. I eventually want a whole flock of these little guys!
I hope to talk to some of you soon, and share/gain any info that we might need/have!

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