New Angels

just came back to drool over your new birdies... i might make some ads on craigslist or ebay and see if i can get some... i need me some archangel pigeons... NEED THEM!!!... i couldn't stop thinking about them last night... i'm not lying...
Well two of the eggs that the hen laid are under a Show King. let me know if you cant find one maybe we could work something out.

with my pigeons, i had them in for 2 weeks before i let them out, and they stick around. main thing they need to know is that where they roost is where they get food. i had 2 fantails, a nun and a king. i let them out 2 weeks after i got 'em, and a few days later, my friend gave me a pair of doneks, and i put them in a cage in where i keep the rest, and fed them there, about 3 days of being in the cage and watching the pigeons on the outside, i let them out with no problems whatsoever, they all came back, except them we had a chicken hawk come by a few days ago, so it's a king, a nun, a donek and a fantail.
hope this helps!!

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