New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home

San Angelo Tx here. we are all like family waiting in the waiting room of the hospital for family members upcoming baby. I'll get the cigars

checkin in this morning, sorry kids didnt even wake me up!
OZ your histerical as usual! LoveyaMan

Wow Washingtonians!
y'all sound as nice as the PA thread!
have a good night lady kota! Thank you so much for joining here this evening! I'm sorry about your mums cockatoo, birds make such good friends and family and it is always hard to say goodbye.

thanks so much for the guide Oz!

from your (or anyone's) experience, do you think it's in this eggs best interest to try and get in there and do this procedure with the needle? I don't want to intervene too early at all, I just want to do what is best.

At this stage it has been 13 hours since I first saw the pip, no more cheeping but I did see the egg rocking a few times just before.
Rocking is good!! Your doing awesome!!
just a quick update to say I shone the torch through real quick and wow the baby is really dancing about in there and looks like hammering about with its beak!
I'm in the Queensland area, so it's only 5:30pm here right now. How are your pipped eggs doing?

I've decided to collect the materials in case I need to assist, but I'd rather hold off until really necessary. It sounds like it's doing good in the experience of others, so that's enough for me. Thank you so much :')


Good morning everyone
I haven't read through the whole thread, someone asked me to check in quick.

It looks like it may be a duck, so I'll take this as a duckling hatch. Like chicks ducklings pip externally before they absorb the major blood vessels in the membrane and the yolk sac. You can candle and check to see what's going on in there. I see you have a nice light coloured egg, so it makes thing a lot easier! Candle and look just below the line of the air sac for blood vessels and just below the lowest point of the air sac line for the yolk sac. It looks like a dense mass. As the yolk sac gets absorbed you should be able to see a "void" appear. They need ± 24 hours to complete this absorption process, but it could be longer. (Oz, you say it's been 13 hours since external pip?) I'd suggest wait and candle again every 3-4 hours and check on it's progress. If you can post candling pics so we can have a look too that will be great. Once the yolk has been absorbed and the blood vessels retracted it can take the duckling another 7-8 hours to zip and complete the hatch.

What you can do in the meantime is open the pip hole just enough so the duckling (if that's what it is) can breathe easy.

I would go ahead at this point and open it up A TAD, creating a small viewing hole so you can see what that membrane looks like, and make sure the beak is free and all that opening and closing takes moisture out. YOUR ONLY DOING IT ENOUGH TO VIEW MEMBRANE STATUS AND BEAK FREEDOM. HOWEVER make sure your ready to assist at this time, if the membrane looks like one of those space saver bags that you vacume the air out of! if you see that you will need to take the top of the egg off ABOVE the inner membrane! NEVER EVER NEVER EVER GO below that AIR CELL LINE, aka inner membrane where active vessles are.

Here is a paste of a first stage assist.... from article
I will also add that I have recently switched from using sterile water in an assist to using Q-tips or "Ear Buds", and adding antibacterial CLEAR OINTMENT called bacitracin (NOT NEOSPORIN) to inner membranes, because you do NOT have to keep wetting them and you can see in the pic below that the ointment makes that membrane clear, and it is ANTIBIOTIC it wont have bacteria in it that water can! refer to for understanding ointments and creams. DO NOT USE OINTMENT WITH PAIN KILLER! USE BACITRACIN

See BELOW the clear look with the ointment? You can really see how they are progressing without opening the bator, also you can see the chick on the right has much more time to go than the chick on the left by easily viewing their veining.
NEVER remove this membrane until THOSE VEINS RECEDE and blood is absorbed!

Every 2 hours you will check and if necessary dampen that membrane or add more ointment if your using it. Continue looking for the recession of veining. This will probably take at least 8-12 hours if not more!

If the blood is not absorbed THE YOLK SURE ISNT!

Quote: x2
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Hahahaha Oz. XD I could really go for some sleep about now too! The wait is so stressful though wowwww. Hello to everybody else who has popped around or sent good wishes, thank you thank you! I'll probably just be going to sleep as others start to wake up! I'm not sure I'm going to last much longer with the past few nights anxiously up and checking on the egg at all hours, haha. We just had a bit of a temperature spike so I'm sitting it out for a bit to make sure it settles and stablizes before I go to sleep.

Sumi, that's great information, thank you! It has probably been about 48 hours at the most all up since the first internal pip. That's still not 72, so that's really relieving. I'm glad to hear that your Pekins are going okay even though they pipped at the wrong end! I'm so glad this little mystery egg went easy on this first timer in that regard. :)
Hi Sally, good morning! I hope you had a good night! :)

With lifting the egg shell a bit, I can get in there and do that now, but I'm severely tired and might subsequently be a bit slow. I was actually just about to decide that it would be okay for a few hours while I went to sleep, but if it is best at this stage to open it up and see the membrane, I can do that. I can get myself some coffee!
I've got the sterile little needles that might be useful for just easing up one of the cracked pieces of shell a tiny bit.

When it was candled I could see it still wriggling and such about in there quite a lot, although still no verbal peeping and I haven't caught the whole egg rocking for a while.
LOL This must be the most anticipated hatch in BYC history. I can't wait to see what's in that egg. Why don't you go catch a few hour's sleep once you got the temp stabilised?
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Hi Sally, good morning! I hope you had a good night! :)

With lifting the egg shell a bit, I can get in there and do that now, but I'm severely tired and might subsequently be a bit slow. I was actually just about to decide that it would be okay for a few hours while I went to sleep, but if it is best at this stage to open it up and see the membrane, I can do that. I can get myself some coffee!
I've got the sterile little needles that might be useful for just easing up one of the cracked pieces of shell a tiny bit.

When it was candled I could see it still wriggling and such about in there quite a lot, although still no verbal peeping and I haven't caught the whole egg rocking for a while.

Hahahaha Oz. XD I could really go for some sleep about now too! The wait is so stressful though wowwww. Hello to everybody else who has popped around or sent good wishes, thank you thank you! I'll probably just be going to sleep as others start to wake up! I'm not sure I'm going to last much longer with the past few nights anxiously up and checking on the egg at all hours, haha. We just had a bit of a temperature spike so I'm sitting it out for a bit to make sure it settles and stablizes before I go to sleep.

Sumi, that's great information, thank you! It has probably been about 48 hours at the most all up since the first internal pip. That's still not 72, so that's really relieving. I'm glad to hear that your Pekins are going okay even though they pipped at the wrong end! I'm so glad this little mystery egg went easy on this first timer in that regard. :)
I would never attempt my first assist half asleep! please do hit the sack for a few
I wanted to send happy thoughts your way from Colorado!

Teloka, I would be a bowl of nerves if I were you! Tell little duckie we are rooting for him and want to see what he looks like! I have tones of stuff to do today but I'm afraid I will be pinned to the computer until he makes his appearance!

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