New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home

Okay, I've re-read the assisted hatching step by step maybe two or three times over the past hour, but I think I'm about to conk out here at the laptop. I'm sorry I can't stay up and keep updating or move on to assisting, but I can see that it's moving around a lot in the aircell still and I'm just too scared that I'm too tired-- stress and tired is a bad combo for jittery fingers in me!

just hope that a few more hours will be alright for it because I'd hate to get it this far and cause a problem because I was too sleepy. But all the guides seem to say that it is safer in the shell than being assisted, and it's at the most 48hrs since it interally pipped...

I'll get up a few times to check in the night and wake up early in the morning (about 6 hours from now if there is no change in the situation) and if it's not started zipping by then I'll post on here and get all my things (and myself!) ready for starting an assist if it needs it.

Thank you so much to everybody sending their thoughts and luck and support and help and crossed fingers, I'm stunned by the amount of people following this thread! I hope hope so much that I can tell you all something positive and happy soon for all your patience!!

zzzzzzzzz happy good morning to everybody in other time zones, but sleepy time for me. Lots of love and thank you! <3
Okay, I've re-read the assisted hatching step by step maybe two or three times over the past hour, but I think I'm about to conk out here at the laptop. I'm sorry I can't stay up and keep updating or move on to assisting, but I can see that it's moving around a lot in the aircell still and I'm just too scared that I'm too tired-- stress and tired is a bad combo for jittery fingers in me!

just hope that a few more hours will be alright for it because I'd hate to get it this far and cause a problem because I was too sleepy. But all the guides seem to say that it is safer in the shell than being assisted, and it's at the most 48hrs since it interally pipped...

I'll get up a few times to check in the night and wake up early in the morning (about 6 hours from now if there is no change in the situation) and if it's not started zipping by then I'll post on here and get all my things (and myself!) ready for starting an assist if it needs it.

Thank you so much to everybody sending their thoughts and luck and support and help and crossed fingers, I'm stunned by the amount of people following this thread! I hope hope so much that I can tell you all something positive and happy soon for all your patience!!

zzzzzzzzz happy good morning to everybody in other time zones, but sleepy time for me. Lots of love and thank you! <3
six - hours - cool. i can get some packing done!

4 days til

Yes, go get some sleep! One of my ducklings just hatched, so I'm going to go stare at the incubator for a bit. Fingers crossed your baby is the next to put in an appearance!
Dont forget to have the brooder ready! and he may have a fit because he is a loner! break out the feather dusters and stuffies!

What temp brooder will he need?
Sally, I think we'll have to wait and see what hatches before we design the nursery. If it sounds like a duck and it looks like a duck, it's a duck. And if it's not a duck we have a problem
Good luck!
Maybe staying away from the incubator will somehow encourage the little chickie to get out! :D I had a chick hatch in the middle of the night, barely two hours after I went to bed and a whole day of staring at the same tiny pip. I hope the same goes for you, and you don't have to wait another day to see that mystery bird hatch! Very excited!!!

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