New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home


Because of this change I've just stopped my assist right there and haven't done anything after all-- all my tools and notes are still sitting ready though in case I need to. No change in the cracks or things again, maybe it is resting again after that second pip/crack.

What should I do now? Just leave it? How long should I leave it for before I consider pulling the piece of shell off again like I was just going to?

It's talking to me again from inside when I talk to it! Little adorable peeping cheeping noises!!
yay! keep cheeping to it!! sometimes I tap on the table near the incubator with my finger and they get all excited and start tapping back trying to get out.

(San Diego, California checking in...)
This is one of the best threads ever!!! Thanks Ozexpat for posting it on yours.

I just read all 29 pages in one sitting and am sitting in New Mexico, eagerly awaiting the answer to the surpise!
I'm completely stunned that so many people are watching and interested! I'm so happy that I could share this story with you all, and I just hope that there will be a lovely happy ending to it! It's been a big team effort!

I'm really happy to have a home business, it makes things so much easier in terms of hours and unexpected things (like this egg!), but it's also hard because you've got no income certainty, haha. I started my business just late last year, I'm a fashion designer! It's great because it's something I really enjoy because I get to hand design and make one of a kind garments for clients, rather than making things en-masse, it's really personal and I get to see lots of different people with different tastes. I'm hoping to get some work with school formals this year, because it's always great not to have the same dress as someone else at that sort of an event! XD

Oz if you talk sport, I can talk fashion!! :p
I'm completely stunned that so many people are watching and interested! I'm so happy that I could share this story with you all, and I just hope that there will be a lovely happy ending to it! It's been a big team effort!

I'm really happy to have a home business, it makes things so much easier in terms of hours and unexpected things (like this egg!), but it's also hard because you've got no income certainty, haha. I started my business just late last year, I'm a fashion designer! It's great because it's something I really enjoy because I get to hand design and make one of a kind garments for clients, rather than making things en-masse, it's really personal and I get to see lots of different people with different tastes. I'm hoping to get some work with school formals this year, because it's always great not to have the same dress as someone else at that sort of an event! XD

Oz if you talk sport, I can talk fashion!! :p
I have a sewing machine, overlocker and a whole pattern making kit

I used to design clothes just for fun. I am in touch with my feminine side!

My mother is a self taught designer that has a bedroom bridal business in that state just below you
I'm completely stunned that so many people are watching and interested! I'm so happy that I could share this story with you all, and I just hope that there will be a lovely happy ending to it! It's been a big team effort!

I'm really happy to have a home business, it makes things so much easier in terms of hours and unexpected things (like this egg!), but it's also hard because you've got no income certainty, haha. I started my business just late last year, I'm a fashion designer! It's great because it's something I really enjoy because I get to hand design and make one of a kind garments for clients, rather than making things en-masse, it's really personal and I get to see lots of different people with different tastes. I'm hoping to get some work with school formals this year, because it's always great not to have the same dress as someone else at that sort of an event! XD

Oz if you talk sport, I can talk fashion!! :p
Great business. When I was growing up my mom and grandmother sewed for my sister and me- many formals and church clothes. We did love that noone else was wearing what we were. And the fit- perfect!

Sometimes that didn't turn out so well though. Like the time my grandma made a jumpsuit for my sister out of fabric printed with hot air balloons. She didn't think about it when she cut out the pattern pieces and when my sister put it on all the balloons were flying upside down.

It was also a family joke that we'd get two sizes smaller trying on anything for the first time. We'd suck in so much air because mom ALWAYS left at least one pin accidentally hiding in there somewhere and it was a guess where you were going to get snagged or stuck!
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I'm completely stunned that so many people are watching and interested! I'm so happy that I could share this story with you all, and I just hope that there will be a lovely happy ending to it! It's been a big team effort! :highfive:

I'm really happy to have a home business, it makes things so much easier in terms of hours and unexpected things (like this egg!), but it's also hard because you've got no income certainty, haha. I started my business just late last year, I'm a fashion designer! It's great because it's something I really enjoy because I get to hand design and make one of a kind garments for clients, rather than making things en-masse, it's really personal and I get to see lots of different people with different tastes. I'm hoping to get some work with school formals this year, because it's always great not to have the same dress as someone else at that sort of an event! XD

Oz if you talk sport, I can talk fashion!! :p

You could totally use the little egg as your new muse. A entire line based from the mystery egg!
Okay, it's cheep time!!
A week ago our little 'Happy' chick hatched. She was the only egg to hatch.... when she started working on her pip, we started cheeping at her. Heres how it worked... we cheeped - she cheeped and worked to get out. "Cheep" = "Cheep Peck" .
I think it might be less stimulating for singleton eggs because they would usually have their fellow chicks making small noises working at getting out too. So you have to be a substitute.
Every time we cheeped at her, she would peck more. When we got tired, she took a nap and didn't do anything. When she poked her little beak out, then she was attracted to movement... my shadow was falling through the glass over the egg, and any time I moved, she would respond by working harder.
She zipped and then she was out.... and I have to admit that she was spoiled before she hatched. It took us two days to get a couple buddy chicks for her... and in that time she ran us ragged demanding that we finger water her.. she would not drink on her own.. we had to get a droplet on the end of our finger. We HAD to peck in the food every time or she would not eat.... and at frequent moments during the day she would start up a ruckus sounding like she was being tortured, until one of us came over to the brooder for a while and went "Cheep cheep cheep"... then she was okay to take a nap with her stuffed dalmation. I highly advise at least one companion chick if YOU are going to survive.

My mom is an Aussie, living here in Sunny Florida. It is a good thing I had her here behind me to explain what a Goanna is :p
I was going to guess crocodile, darm it!
We were both very impressed that you managed to cobble together something so effective for an incubator! Great job!

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