New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home

Oz, that's amazing! I want to get into bridal too if I can, haha :)

A design based on the egg would be great! I do have an easter dress I made, but it's just a basic 60's style but in a print of little hatching chickens! It's super cute, they say things like "Go!" and "Birthday!" :D

The egg is rocking around big time!! I'm having a go at cheeping at the egg some more, it seems to be starting and stopping a lot. It still has not cracked a piece of the shell fully off the egg, but it is lifting them right up briefly, and the cracks are now quite a bit bigger and more! It seems to be focusing on lifting one piece up and down repeatedly; it lifted it so high I saw inside and saw the membrane (white) and a dark gash in the middle which I guess is the break in the membrane letting the air in! I keep thinking "I could flick that off so easily for you!" but I am waiting super anxiously!

Keeping humidity above 80% (easy because native humidity today is 84% in our house! Phew hot!) and temp at about 37.0-37.2'c! I keep cheeping at it/talking to it and it is cheeping back and is so cute ahhh I'm so in love!
Actually... now that I think about it some more piglett, baby gators and crocs on the Discovery chanel do make a very cheep sounding noise when they hatch. AND the mother gators like to lay their eggs in mulch-like stuff, which a doormat could look like.
I've been watching this thread and can't resist to cheer the little guy on! Keep the updates coming...I don't think I can go to bed until I know what happens.
Have you got a place where you can get some chicks, ducks, etc.? You're going to need to have some buddies for this thing or it will drive you bonkers once it hatches. Anything you hatch will imprint on you as Momma and will go lulu wanting attention if there aren't any companions. With a lonely only, we often use a mirror, stuffed animal, feather duster, etc. to keep it company, but it is much easier to get a friend and let them keep each other company.

Of course I don't know where you'll get a velociraptor...but still...
You know now that you guys are talking crockodile, I had to go back and look at the pic posted on march 12th. It has an awfully long tail to be a chicken, goose or any other fowl.

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