New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home

Woooo HOOO!!! Hi Basil!!!!

X 2 what Ozepat said,,, a nice warm spot with some shavings or bedding. he will want to leap up and run around alot interspersed with naps, so a box is a good size so he can exercise his legs. After you get him settled, put some water in for him. He does not need food or water yet but its good to let him get used to it. You might want to put some marbles in the water if its not a very shallow dish so that he doesent drown (thats for chicks anyway). Make sure the starter you get is for ducks because they need more Niacin than chicks.

Start planning your enclosure for him... if hes going to be an inside duck, he needs a little pond, like a kiddy pool. They like to have water to swim in all the time, and ducks need water always about so they can wash their noses. Our ducklings would take a bite of food and then wash in the water. then a bite of food, then water, and so on.

Ozepat had a good idea about who you tell....

Just think, if you had ignored that egg or tossed it away, like most people would do, there would be no Basil!!
Good on Ya, Mate!
(I am trying out my half Aussie genetics... I dont have the accent, dont think it works well for me, hehe! :p )
Wow. This is amazing. We were told on another thread to look in on yours and I got here just in time to see these great pics. Congrats to little Basil... you will will be an amazing Duck momma...
Congrats again..
So sweet.

Teloka - you are one persistent proud owner of the cutest - and luckiest - wood duck ever. Well done, you have done such a fabulous job!!!!
Aahh thank you so much! He is so cute, awwwwwww, he'll be even cuter once he fluffs up I'm sure! But he's just so cuddle! All he wants to do is snuggle in my arm, but I'm trying to get him to sit under a heatlamp now to dry off and so I can stand up and stretch my legs and breathe a bit!

well done!

your patience was rewarded with a miracle.
An Easter Miracle!!! Just in time! :D

Yeah...Congrats. Looking forward to seeing how he/she does over the next few months. You are an inspiration, I am about to fire up my incubator and this will be my first go at it. Thank you for sharing the journey with us and keeping us updated.
I'll keep posting and updated with lots of pictures and stories. I'll have to share some photographs of my parrot and cockatiel too or they are going to feel very left out, hahaha. I'm excited to hear you are going to fire up your own incubator now! I hope that it goes really well for you, and we can follow along with your journey too! <3 thank you for joining in this one!

Haha, did you just make those Oz? How cute! I'm sorry if anybody was let down that he is not an alien XD But I am glad that he is a wood duck, it is what I expected and I think I will be best able to care for his (or hers! I don't know how to tell!) needs :)

After being egg bound for so long, he's thrilled to be loose. Isn't that just like a baby. When you are dying to sleep, they are full of energy.
Haha, that's always the way with all little anythings! He's finally having a bit of a nap now, but I'm just shocked at how crazy energetic he is. I totally thought he'd be really worn out when he hatched but all he wanted to do was jump around and crawl on me!

hopefully you have some feed around

a box with a light. 40 whats is enough. run it at 95f for a week then reduce it by 5f each week till at your night temps and he is feathering

warmth feed and water. if you can get a sacrificial duck at the store, you will make him a lot happier

dont spread the word locally until you know what the legalities are of owning a wood duck are.

be prepared for your new shyte factory.

congrats again
Woooo HOOO!!! Hi Basil!!!!

X 2 what Ozepat said,,, a nice warm spot with some shavings or bedding. he will want to leap up and run around alot interspersed with naps, so a box is a good size so he can exercise his legs. After you get him settled, put some water in for him. He does not need food or water yet but its good to let him get used to it. You might want to put some marbles in the water if its not a very shallow dish so that he doesent drown (thats for chicks anyway). Make sure the starter you get is for ducks because they need more Niacin than chicks.

Start planning your enclosure for him... if hes going to be an inside duck, he needs a little pond, like a kiddy pool. They like to have water to swim in all the time, and ducks need water always about so they can wash their noses. Our ducklings would take a bite of food and then wash in the water. then a bite of food, then water, and so on.

Ozepat had a good idea about who you tell....

Just think, if you had ignored that egg or tossed it away, like most people would do, there would be no Basil!!
Good on Ya, Mate!
(I am trying out my half Aussie genetics... I dont have the accent, dont think it works well for me, hehe! :p )
I have moved Basil now into a quick home made brooder box, I'll post some decent photographs of that in a bit, I need to have a coffee and a walk around to stretch out after all this stress!

I have been looking around everywhere for NonMedicated Chick starter and it does not seem to exist in my local area. I'm wondering if I can make him a home made duckling starter? I don't have anything on hand because I was trying to avoid the Murphy's Law curse, and also because everything I found was medicated chick starter. As for water I will put a tiny shallow lid in, and see if he has any interest in that or finger-watering.

I won't mention it to anyone I don't trust until I know he's going to be okay, then I will look into getting a license if it is necessary. It's such a wonderful experience to have a wood duck I think, I can't believe how lucky I was to get this chance and how wonderful that he has hatched out. I hope now he can survive the first few days happy and healthy! I'm so pleased like you said that it was me who found that egg and decided to incubate it. I don't know anyone else around here who would have done so, and then we all would have missed out on baby Basil!!

Thank you so so much everybody! The mystery backyard chickens baby is a Native Australian Wood duck!

I will get some new photos and maybe some higher-quality ones on my actual camera, as well as the video footage I got of him peeping, zipping and hatching (although I will have to edit my voice out because I was just in such excited shock! XD). Just for now I'm going to take a break and de-stress and watch this new baby duckling. But I cannot say enough thank yous to everyone who stopped in to watch, who gave support and well wishes or who shared their expertise especially when I was asking a lot of repetitive questions and being so scared, tired from late nights and stressed from a hatch five days late!

Baby Basil is happily drying off now in his/her brooder box and is getting suuuuper fluffy and cute, and very talkative! He seems to be fighting sleep, with his little head nodding down and then jumping back up again. I will update more on this thread with photos, videos and such once I have some and after a bit of a breather. If it's preferable I can make a new thread where I update on his growth or things, or I can just post here. :)

Much love to everybody, from Basil and I (and my two other parrots and the rest of my anxious family!!)
Woohoooo!! I've been wondering for ages, woke at 4am and nearly switched on the pc, glad I waited till know as I can see all the lovely pics!! Hello basil, so glad you're hear safe and sound! Look forward to seeing more pics as you grow!!
I got up to 174 unread posts LOL I'm so glad the little one hatched! Congrats, Mommy
Just popped in. Been sleeping, but needed to see how Basil is doing. I believe young grasses, water plants, and duckweed could be menu items maybe bird vitamins in his water.... :rolleyes: only he will want to be in the water.. Ask and see if there is something that can go on or in Basil's food.
:/ having trouble typing not ready to wake my mind up .. Good night here in USA. Again


NOW WHAT ARE YOU going to DO with him!!!! A WOOD DUCK, Wil lshe be hard to tame???/ Won't she fly OFFF !!! MAKE SURE you keep her SSAFE and train her to be a pet DUCK@!!!

HAVE FUN WITH HER/HIM,,,,,, GOOOD ON YOU!!!!!1!!!!!!1!

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