New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home

Sorry! Basil woke up, and he keeps jumping out of the brooder and I have to keep stopping to catch him before he falls! Then he sits in my lap and I have to type one handed!
welcome to your new life as a mother ducker
great duck pics, when will he have his 1st swim?
put a couple of inches of warm water in the kitchen sink & let him go at it???

welcome to your new life as a mother ducker
Hahahahahaha, you think I'd be used to this after raising my parrots, but it's a whole different experience. I had to hand feed them with a syringe because they weren't weaned onto solid food, but Basil seems to be drinking and -- if not eating-- certainly making a great mess of his food dish! I think he is eating though because I know I put some greenery in there over night, and in the morning... it was gone!

Teloka, s/he is just fantastic. What a feisty duck! Toooo cute I really really really want one now!!!!

You two have the best show in town
Awww, thank you so much! He is definitely going to be a handful! :D I don't know if you can buy or get wood ducks in Australia? I think this was just a magic opportunity that I happened to find the abandoned one. If they can be, that would be awesome and we can compare babies!

great duck pics, when will he have his 1st swim?
put a couple of inches of warm water in the kitchen sink & let him go at it???

Perhaps tomorrow or the next day, is that too soon? He doesn't seem interested in getting in his little shallow watering dish at the moment, but he is definitely drinking well. He just wants to cuddle the lamp, his ducky toy and jump out of the brooder, hahaha. When I do, I will be sure to film it! Basil's first swim!
I am thinking of taking him for a little walk in the grass tomorrow though to let him get some fresh air and see if he'll find any plants he wants to eat so I can bring him more of those!
Perhaps tomorrow or the next day, is that too soon? He doesn't seem interested in getting in his little shallow watering dish at the moment, but he is definitely drinking well. He just wants to cuddle the lamp, his ducky toy and jump out of the brooder, hahaha. When I do, I will be sure to film it! Basil's first swim!
I am thinking of taking him for a little walk in the grass tomorrow though to let him get some fresh air and see if he'll find any plants he wants to eat so I can bring him more of those!
you can also sow some millett bird seed - he will love the green young plants. it germinates fast

the buggers used to be all over our oats and barley seedlings
Congratulations from California!! I apologize for my late arrival, but just discovered the thread and read it from page one on. I must tell you it is a exciting ride!! Your little one is adorable! As a newbie chicken person, I think you did an amazing job as egg mommy!!!!

Basil is stupendous!! Congrats!
you can also sow some millett bird seed - he will love the green young plants. it germinates fast

the buggers used to be all over our oats and barley seedlings
Ooh, that's great actually because we have some millet growing down the backyard for our other parrots! :D Thanks for the tip!

Congratulations from California!! I apologize for my late arrival, but just discovered the thread and read it from page one on. I must tell you it is a exciting ride!! Your little one is adorable! As a newbie chicken person, I think you did an amazing job as egg mommy!!!!

Basil is stupendous!! Congrats!
Great to see you here! Thank you for joining in and following the adventure. I'm glad if you enjoyed it! Thank you so much, he's such a cutie!!
I've been thinking; is having the duckling in the house safe for my other parrots, in terms of diseases? I've seen quite a few people who are cohabiting their poultry and parrots, so I would think it is probably okay. My two parrots are super house birds, they've never been outside.

I've tried to do some serious googling to see if Native Australian Wood Ducks can carry salmonella or even any other diseases, but found no real indication of anything. I know salmonella is actually not a very big risk in Australia as it is in other countries. I'm not so much concerned about my getting sick, because I am sturdy, but my parrots!

I don't intend to put the birds and the duckling together at any point (although my Cockatiel is very broody and would have loved to have sat on and hatched the egg!), they have separate sleeping, eating, drinking and living areas (except when they are out of the box) and I wash my hands in between touching one or the other of course, but the duckling could run around on the floor and then my parrots might go running on the ground there a bit later.

Is it too pedantic to think this way? I'm just super protective of all my birdies and was wondering if anybody has any experience!
I've been thinking; is having the duckling in the house safe for my other parrots, in terms of diseases? I've seen quite a few people who are cohabiting their poultry and parrots, so I would think it is probably okay. My two parrots are super house birds, they've never been outside.

I've tried to do some serious googling to see if Native Australian Wood Ducks can carry salmonella or even any other diseases, but found no real indication of anything. I know salmonella is actually not a very big risk in Australia as it is in other countries. I'm not so much concerned about my getting sick, because I am sturdy, but my parrots!

I don't intend to put the birds and the duckling together at any point (although my Cockatiel is very broody and would have loved to have sat on and hatched the egg!), they have separate sleeping, eating, drinking and living areas (except when they are out of the box) and I wash my hands in between touching one or the other of course, but the duckling could run around on the floor and then my parrots might go running on the ground there a bit later.

Is it too pedantic to think this way? I'm just super protective of all my birdies and was wondering if anybody has any experience!
Basil, in all reality will probably be a temporary resident unless you pinion a wing. As it is isolated from other ducks for now, there is little risk of disease

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