New Australian Hatching Mystery Egg at Home

I've been thinking; is having the duckling in the house safe for my other parrots, in terms of diseases? I've seen quite a few people who are cohabiting their poultry and parrots, so I would think it is probably okay. My two parrots are super house birds, they've never been outside.

I've tried to do some serious googling to see if Native Australian Wood Ducks can carry salmonella or even any other diseases, but found no real indication of anything. I know salmonella is actually not a very big risk in Australia as it is in other countries. I'm not so much concerned about my getting sick, because I am sturdy, but my parrots!

I don't intend to put the birds and the duckling together at any point (although my Cockatiel is very broody and would have loved to have sat on and hatched the egg!), they have separate sleeping, eating, drinking and living areas (except when they are out of the box) and I wash my hands in between touching one or the other of course, but the duckling could run around on the floor and then my parrots might go running on the ground there a bit later.

Is it too pedantic to think this way? I'm just super protective of all my birdies and was wondering if anybody has any experience!
Salmonella is a problem with production chickens. I was told when I joined BYC never give my girls store eggs, specially the egg shells. The best anti predator protection is a couple of donkeys. But for most of us it is not really practical.

I did some research years ago about hand guns in Australia. You need to be an active member of a gun club. Hunting weapons are easier to own. Apparently in Australia they require you to be responsible and actually be fully qualified to use and handle lethal weapons. If you collect gun, I'm not sure but I think I remember they have to be certified disabled. There are different laws all over Australia, this was the general rule of thumb at the time I did my research on it.

Basil, I hope will find some tinder greens when he goes for his first outing. Is there duck weed where you live? Or a water plant like it? I used to collect it and feed it to my ducklings.
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Good morning duck mommy
I was so busy with my duck hatch yesterday (got 8 fluffy butts now) that I didn't get round to it, but here's some homemade duckling feed ideas:

Homemade Duckling Feed
cooked egg
chopped apple (optional- if you have it)
Greens (Weeds are fine if they are young and tender, spinach, etc.)
Hot water
Mix all ingredients together in a heatsafe container. Pour hot water over the oatmeal and egg, and other optional grains or fruits until it is rather wet. Make sure everything is in small bits. Let cool a bit and add the chopped greens.

More great info an raising and feeding ducklings here:

Starter meal (Eaten from 0-2 weeks)

Yellow Cornmeal 11 cups
Soybean meal (44% protein) 3.5 cups
Wheat bran 2 cups
Meat and bone meal(50% protein) 1/2 cup
Fish meal (60% protein) 1/2 cup
Alfalfa meal (17.5% protein) 1/2 cup
Dried skim milk 1/2 cup
Brewer's dried yeast 1 1/2 cups
Dicalcium phosphate (18.5% phosphate) 1Tbsp.
Iodized salt 1tsp.

And I guess you may have seen this already, but here's a great thread on duck feed and supplements:
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I have missed like all the pictures! and Vids!

Can you post them all in one post PLEASE!!!!

Also how do you know it's a wood duck, I have never seen a wood duck ducklings so have no idea?
If you go up toward the top of the page on the right side there will be images with a title of Recent Images For This Thread, click veiw all and all the images will show up for you.
Hi folks!

I'm just updating, I will respond to comments I haven't responded to yet tomorrow. But updates, I am shattered with tired right now and can't sleep because Basil will not stay in his brooder at all. I have tried putting a lid on, but he just throws himself at it continually and gets stuck on the walls even though I changed the lining. Is this bad, or normal?

I am trying to go to sleep, but he keeps jumping out and running around and peeping, gwaahhh.
He's so cute but man do I need to get some shut eye. My thought is to remove the lamp, and instead put in a heat pack which he can cuddle in to, and that way it will at least be dark and maybe that will encourage him to sleep.

On the plus side, he has started eating heaps! I see there are some great recipes here which I will read better and try tomorrow! He is eating and drinking well and seems to be liking his greens! Just not his sleep unless he is on me or out of the box in unsafe places! ;u;
Hi folks!

I'm just updating, I will respond to comments I haven't responded to yet tomorrow. But updates, I am shattered with tired right now and can't sleep because Basil will not stay in his brooder at all. I have tried putting a lid on, but he just throws himself at it continually and gets stuck on the walls even though I changed the lining. Is this bad, or normal?

I am trying to go to sleep, but he keeps jumping out and running around and peeping, gwaahhh.
He's so cute but man do I need to get some shut eye. My thought is to remove the lamp, and instead put in a heat pack which he can cuddle in to, and that way it will at least be dark and maybe that will encourage him to sleep.

On the plus side, he has started eating heaps! I see there are some great recipes here which I will read better and try tomorrow! He is eating and drinking well and seems to be liking his greens! Just not his sleep unless he is on me or out of the box in unsafe places! ;u;
A true "newborn", just like us humans! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about Basil, and hope all goes well for the both of you! Thank you so much for sharing your amazing journey with him/her. Wishing you get some sleep soon!
I think Basil is trying to throw himself off a tree or cliff, as they do to reach the ground. He is goofed up because he doesn't need to.

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