New but not new to BYC...Hello again everyone!

1. I got hens when I was six many many moons ago I started with 2 rir 2 sex links and 2 leghorns

2. I have loads of ducks part of my egg business but my personal birds there's 1 blackrock clocking atm 4 barred wyandotte 1 rir x leghorn with six chicks 2 young leghorn rooster 1 rir x leghorn rooster 2 legbar x rir hens 1 peacock 2 leghorn hens 1 leghorn rooster 1 mix breed 6 straight run 1 khaki campbell duck 1 cross rooster 2 frizzle 2 dutch 4 sabblepoot 7 call ducks 2 bramhas 1 bluebell rooster 2 magpie 5 muscovys 12 young ducks 2 blackrock 1 silkie cross 2 turkeys 3 small sabblepoot 2 Phoenix

4. Found out bout byc by spending to to m tome on my phone and one website after another and I came here

5.i like fishing and relaxing
Okay, so here goes...

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?

First off, I am not new to chickens and I have been around chickens all my life just about (at least since the age of 6 or so). Took a hiatus from having animals for several years when we were traveling and then started back at chicken and duck keeping about 10 plus years ago.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?

I currently have roughly 48 or 49 chickens, not exactly sure.

(3) What breeds do you have?

Currently I believe....I just asked in a post a few minutes ago, 5 or 6 or more different breeds. Amberlinks, wyondettes, leghorns possibly and more.

(4) How did you find out about

I sometimes get busy and I'm not able to come back to the group as often as I'd like, but I have been involved with BYC off and on for over 10 years but I haven't been here for many years so wanted to reintroduce myself.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?

I don't know really what other hobbies I have persey... I like to crochet and I Like going fishing and kayaking and out on our boat, camping, watching movies and just chilling by myself or with my hubby, grandson and/or family. Its all a win win usually lol!

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.

As far as family, I am married, 32 years in august, I have two adult children, mellissa 28 and michael 30 and hubby turns 51 in 4 days lol! (I'm 49 currently, ouch lol!) I have two indoor dogs, a min pin and a chug, an outside dog, husky and a koi fish. I don't work, haven't since my heart surgery 7 plus years ago. My life is fairly simple, even though I am a bit of a hoarder but not in the really horrible way, just a bit of clutter here and a bit of clutter there, enough to drive my significant other batty rofl! I love to cook, when its not 110 degrees outside and if you want to know anything else, just ask.

Welcome to Backyard Chickens glad you found us enjoy
Welcome to Backyard Chickens!:frow Glad you joined the flock! BYC is a very helpful and informative about poultry! Wow, 49 chickens, that's a lot of eggs! Hope you enjoy it here as much as we all do!
Welcome Wagon.gif

It is good to see you back!

Do you have a coop page? A lot of them were abandoned back in 2012. You can go back and spruce up the article

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