New BYC Breed Database - Submissions Needed - Free GFMs!

I also noticed some of the pages have major spelling errors, EEs as Ameraucanas, and such. 500 pages for each breed, wish there was a way they could all mesh together.
Thanks for the feedback everybody! The breeds DB is an ongoing work in progress and we're always trying to make it better.

Keep the ideas and feedback coming. We may not be able to do all the changes and updates as the suggestions are made, but we will keep track of them and make fixes as time and resources allow!
I made a mottled cochin page, but on my screen some of the pictures aren't showing up. Can someone double check, it may just be my new operating system, unsure.
Can someone do a saipan junglefowl as that is a true breed native to saipan now extinct in the wild but you could get it from ideal
What about a cornish / Australorp chicken? also I like the idea about sex links.... Cause a person came on here last night in chat and we talked to her about sex links, she had no idea what it was. There was no problem explaining it to her. Also I did put something on there about my cornishes,,,,,,

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