New BYC member, long time user


5 Years
Feb 21, 2014
Riverside, California
Hi from Riverside, CA (city limits). I've been a long time user/reader of BYC, but just now signed up.

Mostly the reason for doing so is I moved to an area of Riverside city that is not zoned for chickens, despite having a lot that is just shy of 20,000sf (1\2 acre).

I'm starting the process to propose a change or amendment to the chciken zoning laws here in the city of Riverside and hope to use BYC to find supporters. Especially supporters in the city of Riverside. I've posted in several areas already, but if you are in the city of Riverside and would like to join my cause as either a passive supporter, or an active one, please contact me.

I've made some contact with the city planning department and my councilman already, and I can't say the reception has been especially warm. However, I am not dissuaded and am in it for the long haul. Please reach out if you have any advice or would like to assist, or just sign an eventual petition.

Good to be here.
Hello & welcome,
Wish you all the best in your zoning fight,
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck with getting the ordinances changed, hope you are allowed chickens soon.

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