NEW BYC Program & Partnership - Sell Your Extra Eggs! April Fools 2011

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I'd like the Powers That Be to come on out and fess up if they got JUST A TEENSY TINY BIT worried when they read poor Jess' posts......

or maybe they just don't like jokes........

What say you, Nifty?
.... and the continueing of it as hazing.

Jess K... enjoyed your part better... but was truely concerned for you and your family!
Currently I have six hens laying approx. 35 eggs per week. I have nine more in the brooder who will start laying in the fall.
Their names are;
Miss Henny Penny
Miss Bumble
Miss Snowball
Miss White Chicken
Yo Adrian
Miss Noisy

They are all Americanas and lay green/baige eggs
I would like to be consisered for the program.
OH WOW. I am really glad I came back and read this a second time. I only skimmed it the first time and thought it was a legitimate. I was going to send a link to a friend with a large flock whose husband was just laid off. She sells some of her eggs now, but for less that this offer.

OMG, I would have been so embarrassed. And not in a cute, funny way at all.
Well if you need something like this start a small one up, find a place in your city to start a farmer's market- or join one already existing.

We have one large farmer's market and two weekend markets all spring and fall, and the nice part of summer and winter...
I, too, was going to give a call to a young friend of mine... a real live young single mom of 2 who is living in an old farm house, planning her garden and trying to figure out how to put together a coop for some chicks that I plan on giving her this spring. Glad I didn't call or FB her about this... have been trying to get her to get on BYC and am afraid that this would have left a bad taste...

You giving the mods WAY too much credit........



I do hope the mods were appropriately worried! I thought you had to be a mod because you didn't write like you described yourself, if that makes sense.

And I really truly hoped the mods were a bit worried, if only for a moment. Although I doubt they are going to admit it or allow that even a mod can do things in exceedingly poor taste.

I grovel at your feet and wish I had thought of doing it myself, Jess.
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I knew you wouldn't be involved in this. You have too much class and empathy for people.
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I do hope the mods were appropriately worried! I thought you had to be a mod because you didn't write like you described yourself, if that makes sense.

And I really truly hoped the mods were a bit worried, if only for a moment. Although I doubt they are going to admit it or allow that even a mod can do things in exceedingly poor taste.

I grovel at your feet and wish I had thought of doing it myself, Jess.

Thank you so much, Brindlbtch!

I have to let you know that Nifty Chicken JUST sent me a PM, basically saying he was onto silly little me all along!

Guess he's such a good sport, he didn't want to spoil the fun
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