New 'Chick' here....


Sep 13, 2016
Hello! I'm Denice-live in southern ohio.

I'm new to the raising of chickens and have just started my chicken experiment with two Barred Rock(see avatar) pullets that are now, about 8 weeks old now, of which I've only had them for two.

I did a lot of research and attended a 'chickens 101' seminar before setting off on this new journey--
I've lots of questions and am looking forward to the experience and advice from all of the members here...and hope that you'll all be patient with my ignorance! I'm willing to learn, but still-I know when to admit my ignorance!

Thanks so much and see you in the forums!!

Very nice to meet you Denice. If you've got questions the "Learning Center," above, has answers. Thank you for joining the BYC flock
Hi Den and welcome to BYC - great that you have joined us. As D/Diva says, the learning centre is a good place to start out - and the search box is pretty good for finding resources and threads on specific topics. Don't be afraid to ask - we are all a friendly bunch and like to help each other out - remember, there's no such thing as a "stupid" question!

Best wishes

It's nice to have you here Denice. If you'd like to 'meet' other members in Ohio, just do a search for the Ohio state thread.

Have fun with your birds!

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