New chick mom

Cheppy Cheep

In the Brooder
Feb 24, 2023
I am a first time chick mom. I will have to be honest this is about as bad as being a real mom for this first time. I got them on Thursday and two are RI reds and Bard Rock cross and one a golden comet.
I have a very loud chick and she is very bossy. It was 87 and humid outside so I sat outside in the grass with them for about 10 minutes then brought them back in. They loved it. Now the one that is so loud is peeping non stop and every time I go in the room she stops comes to the edge of the brooder and tries to fly out. She is eating and drinking fine. Slept really good yesterday and today. Up running all over the box with the other two.
When she wouldn't hush I sat in the floor with her and let her run on the floor. She walked right up to me and jumped on my leg and balanced herself on my knee. She finally snuggled in my arm. Is there something wrong with my bird? She is just so loud? What am I doing wrong?
They all stole my heart but she was the strongest and loudest and most stubborn. I have fussed over them so much till I am tired. I checked on them at 2 and again at 4 am and everybody was sleeping.
I noticed today when I had them outside that they would get scared by the wind and run up under me as if I was there mom. I love that I am there mom but I just want them to be ok. Nothing changed in there environment except I thought they might be cold so I closed up a air vent slightly. Then it became to stuffy and I opened it. So I don't know if I am doing it right or not but there not dog pilling under the light they were scattered around just passed out and if they got to hot the could go to the other end of the brooder where it's a few degrees cooler.
If Aunna is this smart that she notices when I close the door and cuts off the light and a few minutes later start peeping loudly for me to come back this is most definitely like a child.
I really hope I am doing this ok..I have a pic. They got really quite. I found them asleep in there food bowl.


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Would this mean they were two hot or cold. I pick them up and they are very warm. I wish I knew how to help my two week old baby chick that seems to be able to fly already. Please tell me it's not a rooster. We can' t have a rooster.
I would put some paper towels under the wood shavings. I have a brooder like that and I find the plastic a little slippery for chicks. If they are too warm they will be trying to get away from the light. If too cold they will huddle in a ball underneath. They seem happy and fine. She might just be a social girl. One of my turkens was like that last batch. I was worried she was a rooster but no she just wants to know what I'm doing. She's still the same as a grown hen lol
Would this mean they were two hot or cold. I pick them up and they are very warm. I wish I knew how to help my two week old baby chick that seems to be able to fly already. Please tell me it's not a rooster. We can' t have a rooster.
I don't know but I did move them to a very large rabbit cage where they can move around alot more. they seem very happy but I am finding out that my one is the leader and the same time every night she starts cheeping loudly and passing in the cage so I spend more time with her and I have noticed she has a hard time settling herself when the we go from day to night. She obly does this at night before we go to bed. I don't understand this one.
I would put some paper towels under the wood shavings. I have a brooder like that and I find the plastic a little slippery for chicks. If they are too warm they will be trying to get away from the light. If too cold they will huddle in a ball underneath. They seem happy and fine. She might just be a social girl. One of my turkens was like that last batch. I was worried she was a rooster but no she just wants to know what I'm doing. She's still the same as a grown hen lol
That's what I am afraid of. I walk in at night and sometimes she is asleep in her food bowl. They keep changing positions all night. they are sweet and I am noticing that when she is out she wants all out! She is a mess and I do love her. My feed and seed guy today gave me some mill worms as treats for them today. Lets just hope they don't think my finger is one.
I also added a very low swing for them so they can learn to perch and get use to the movement. They have a stationary one to. They are smooth and about two inches around they love it. They have there own play ground. Eat sleep and play.
Does any one recommend vitamins in there water at this age. I have a smaller chick in the cage with my three. She is growing slower than the others. I thought it might give her a boost.

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