New Chick not moving


In the Brooder
Aug 12, 2015
I bought 6 leghorns last night (1 day old) and I put them in with my 4 week old girls, everyone seemed fine last night but this AM I had one not moving! I picked her up and really thought she was dead. I used the blow dryer on her and then put her in a little towel and on a heating pad. She started making some noise, I put some water with electrolytes in a dropper and gave her some. Is there anything else I can do? I'm really worried she isn't going to make it. and do I need to keep them separate?
Day olds generally have reduced mobility, and there is always the chance of them being trampled/suffocated by larger chicks. I would separate them until the younger birds are at least a week old.
I just got new chicks this week and had the same issue. I was told it could be shipping stress, which could last a week or so. Today- I've had them 2 days now - they are much more active. I did have one with pasty butt I just discovered today, so hopefully she'll make it. I agree you should separate them, for a minimum of a week, maybe more, depending on how they get along.

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