New chick question..


11 Years
Apr 4, 2009
Hey guys! I’m not really new here but it’s been 6-7 years since we‘ve had chickens. We raised them for 6 years and then an animal got in our coop on vacation and killed all but a couple. We gave the survivors to a friend and we also moved. We’ve just decided to add chicks to the new house. We bought a coop and our chicks arrived from Meyers Hatcheries here in Ohio on Tuesday. They shipped on Monday, so less than 24 hours in transit. The kids are excited and so am I. We always enjoyed having chickens. Anyways, we ordered 15 chicks and all arrived looking decent. We got 5 Rhodes Island Reds (my sons pick), 5 Lavender Orpingtons (my daughters pick-but very pricey) and 5 singles (my pick-I like variety). To date we have lost 2 (of course both were the Orpingtons), one yesterday and one today. One of the Rhodes Island Reds is looking a little sketchy. We also added 6 from TSC yesterday because we’d already lost one and the kids wanted a few banties. Are we doing something wrong? We did the GroGel as soon as they arrived and a tiny bit of electrolytes in their water. For the last few days they’ve been on chick starter and a little pan of grit if they need it. I do not have a thermometer in the brooder, I’ve just been watching the chicks and how they arrange themselves under the light. I just move the lamp up a bit today (see pic), it’s about 16 inches above the bedding. I feel like know chicks and I’m kind of at a loss for what’s going on. Oh and a few chicks do have pasty butt that I am checking occasionally. The first chick that died had no signs of pasty butt, the second one (today) had it, and the RIR that acting a little off, does not have it. Any thoughts of what we should do? The rest of the chicks seem lively and happy.


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Everything looks like OK, but just my personal preferences would be, and why.
I would not use the wood pellets. if they ingest them and drink water, those swell/expand. Probably not good. :idunno
Chick starter is all they need, and grit is not necessary until they eat other than chicken feed. (seeds, greens etc. )
I'm in favor of just clean fresh water with nothing added.
Pasty but can be a result of too much warmth, but viewing your photo, does not look like they are running away from lit area. Keep an eye on that and clean up the tush as needed.
A loss of 2 chicks is not really catastrophic number. I hope you don't loose any more.:hugs
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:highfive:

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