New Chicken enthusiast.


7 Years
Jun 23, 2012
Graham Wa
Greetings to you all!

My name is Devin and my wife and I just bought our first chicks(6 to be precise). We live not to far from Tacoma WA so we hope chickens like rain. I look forward to finding some good coupe designs as well as talk with many of you have wisdom on good chicken raising practices. Although I do kinda have a question... My wife and I went to Hawaii last year and we feel in love with the elegant colors and attitudes of the "Moa Chicken"s that run wild there. We discovered their true name is "Gallus Gallus" or Red junglefowl. I cant for the life of me find the in the breed forum. Is this not a true chicken breed?
Hello and
I've never heard of that one...
Hi and :welcome from Ohio. So glad to have you aboard. There are some members here with them. Just type in Red jungle fowl in the search bar and you will see what has been posted on them. :thumbsup
from California!

Congrats on your new chicks! What breed(s) did you decide on?

Great to know what breed those chickens are in Hawaii. I just remember them being very vibrant and overly friendly.
Hi and :welcome

yep, I'm pretty certain they are a real breed, I've heard talk on several threads about them. I agree with the suggestion to do a search!

As for rain, chickens do sort of like rain. At least mine don't mind it. People say it brings out the worms. :lol:

Don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have, and enjoy the site. :D

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