New Chicken mama of 25

Jul 8, 2023
East Central Nebraska
Chicken math is crazy! So a local breeder posted they had BCM and Ameraucana chicks ready to hatch. My heart started pounding as I clicked send. A few weeks later on the Monday after Easter I found out they had hatched and how many did I want. I was thinking 8, 4 of each breed. I ended coming home with 12. 7 Ameraucanas and 5 BCM’s. Oh my they all were so cute and cuddly. We had a brooder set up in our laundry room and every morning I would go sit and watch them and called them my peepers from the beginning. They bring me joy. :jumpy At 14 weeks they still come running when I say Hey Peepers! Once it was warm enough at night and they had feathered, around 5 1/2 weeks they went into the TajMaCoop. They started growing quickly and have enjoyed their space. Unfortunately out of the 7 Americauna’s 6 are cockerels - we had to re-home one already because he was super mean. The flock he went to has many older hens and they have set him straight. One of the boys was thought to be a pullet and since “she” is a lavender I named her Violet. She is now getting those telltale pointy arrow shaped feathers on her back and it makes me sad there will be no eggs from “Vic” new name. I will keep Vic because of the color and possibility of passing that gene to make other lavender chickens. Why oh why are Roos so beautiful, which makes deciding which ones will get re-homed harder??? Forward to the time we moved the first brood out and I had cleaned most of the dust and odor out of the laundry room my daughter in law and I went to TSC to pick up a few things. We were looking at the chicks and a nice lady came up and told us they were all $1/pc. So that chicken math came into play and we brought home 10. 😝 🐥 This led to 4 more two weeks later. Oh my. They are all beautiful and still come running if I call out - Hey Peepers!! “Vic“ loves to fly up to sit on my shoulder or arm as I bring them fresh soaked grains or greens. We have a divided coop which can hold 3 flocks or 2 and one area for breeding to keep breeding stock separated during that time. Their runs are now naked soil since they have eaten anything green in them. I am looking for suggestions for what to put down in those runs. I have a huge pile of free wood chips that I am thinking of using.
None are free ranged at this time since we have our son’s bird dog living with us.
We look forward to getting eggs and hatching out chicks in the future, and learning all that I can from other members.
Thank you for such an amazing site to gather like minded people sharing experience. ❤️❤️🐓❤️❤️

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