New Chicken Mommy


Mar 11, 2016
Hi all! I'm new to raising chickens and have been learning a lot from this site already. We just ordered 15 BR chicks this week from My Pet Chicken, so for now we are working on our first coop and brooder. When we first decided we wanted chickens, it was mainly about the eggs and healthy meat. But in the process of getting started, we have become so excited about just having them lol. I can see how easily it is to become chicken obsessed. I love the little boogers already and they are not even an egg yet. Maternal much? :/ lol! I look forward to chatting with you all!
Welcome to BYC, and good luck with your chicks. You may want to click on 'The Learning Center' located at the top of the page.

I think quite a few people get into chickens first for the meat and eggs and then find out how much fun they can be. They each have their own quirks and behaviors and it's great just to watch them go about their daily business.

Have fun with the chicks and take lots of pictures because they don't stay small long!
Hi and welcome to BYC - great to have you join us and good luck with your impending arrivals.

Joining your state thread will put you in contact with other BYC members in your area.


The members here are amazing - very friendly and helpful, so if you need an answer to a question or simply want some reassurance that what you are doing is ok, then post away - we all help each other out here at BYC.

All the best
Thanks everyone! I appreciate the state join link. I will do that. :) NorthFLChick, I spotted your link for the home bakers thread. I'm so excited to see there are so many home bakers here! We stopped buying bread and most other baked goods several months ago. It was a fun process learning to bake everything. My kids went from complaining about my bread to never wanting store bought bread again.;)

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