New chicken owner!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 9, 2009
Central Kentucky
Hello, everyone!

I'm a new chicken owner, never before owned anything more than a dog or a cat so... needless to say, I'm both excited and really, really nervous.

I didn't start with day old chicks... My husband thought it would be better for me to have older, hardier chicks so we got them at almost 2 weeks old.

They are Buff Orphington's (hope I spelled that right!).

In the future, I am really hoping to own a few Silkies after all the wonderful things I've heard about them!

Anyway, I'm glad to be part of this forum and I hope to learn a lot here.

Have a great day, fellow chicken fans!
Welcome to BYC from Michigan!

You've come to the right place to learn, make friends, and share stories! Glad you found us!
Thanks everyone!

Wow, this is like waking up and discovering a whole new world... I never knew there were so many chicken fans out there!! This is great.

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