New chicken owners from west Texas. What bantam breeds do we have?


May 4, 2015
We bought our 9 from TSC and our chicks are now 6 weeks old. We live in West Texas so our 8 have been outside for a few weeks now and love it. We bought 9 assorted bantams. one died the first night. the rest were healthy and are now developing their little attitudes. We are pretty sure one of them is a Cochin but are not sure on any of the others.
This is the one that I have no clue as to what breed, but pretty confident it is a pullet and not a roo.

I think this is a seabright, but not 100%. Thinking a rooster but also not 100% since there are none others like it.

This is another shot of the supposed seabright and a Brahma? Belgian?
We have two of these. also cant figure out breed.

Any help in Identifying these would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
great to have you joining the BYC flock

Great little flock you have there
That is a silver laced sebright and I believe it's a male also. I really can't tell the others. You can post photos of them at "what breed or gender is this," to get more opinions.

Welcome to BYC and the coop! There's a lot of great peeps here! Feel free to ask lots of questions. But most of all, make yourself at home. I'm so glad you decided to join the BYC family. I look forward to seeing you around BYC. :frow I agree with Diva on the Silver Laced Sebright. Good luck with the rest.
Thanks to all of you. I will post pics of the others on the what breed is this forum. again thank you.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

I'm not the best with breed but I can tell you the black and white one is a silver sebright male 100%. The first one might be an EE. And the fluffy one in the 3rd pic looks to be a cochin mix. Not sure on the last.
thanks. I drove past our feed store on my way home from work today and picked up 3 Buff Orpingtons that were about 2 weeks old. since all my bantams are outside and a bit over 6 weeks I decided to put the triplets (pullets) in the coop/ run area while the 8 bantams were out and about in the outside run that they have access to all day. The triplets stayed in the enclosure until roosting time and then I brought them in to a brooder in my office. I plan on letting them hang out in the coop/run in the evening while the bantams are out and about in the larger enclosure until the Buffs are the same size or bigger than the bantams. I figure by then they will at least know each other and the bantams wont be able to bully the Buffs since they will be larger.

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