New Chickens.......have I got their breed right??


10 Years
Mar 21, 2009
Wet Argyll, Scotland
Hi everyone, one of my chickens was killed by a dog the other day so I went to get another one to keep the numbers in the flock up and ended up bringing 4 home!

So this is the first one, I have named her Queenie, she is a Scots Dumpy cross Araucana???


This is one is a Australope X Araucana??? Her name is Dorcus!


This is a Black Rock, no name yet!


This is a Welsummer?? No name yet either!


Am I right do you think??

The first two are probably Ameraucana crosses, which makes them Easter Eggers.
The third one is not a black rock, black rocks are ALL black. She looks like MAYBE a hatchery quality partridge rock to me, or partridge rock mix.
Fourth one is definitely NOT a Welsummer. Another mix of some kind.

Pretty girls, but nothing pure bred.

Sorry about the loss of your other girl though!!
the reasom hes is deranatly not is firts she has white ear lobs wich means she will lay a white egg and her color is way off

Well, she's got some enameling, but if you look closely, the earlobe underneath is red. It's not a TRUE white earlobe, like you would see on a Minorca, or other white egg layer. She may lay brown eggs, but they will likely be lighter, like a cream color, or light tan.
The last one looks like my RIRxGame cross to me. Those other two hens are giant! but I don't have a clue to what they are.
Sigh. . .

The first two are indeed Araucana crosses, as there are no Ameraucanas in Scotland.

The Welsummer looking girl is not one though. Wrong color legs, soles, and earlobes.
Lol you all had me confused there with your disagreements!!

Definitely no ameracuna in there and whoever said black rocks are all black, i don't think they are, maybe pure breeds??

The australope x aracauna layes blue eggs, i know coz i got one this morning

Was wondering about the welsummer though as she is different from my other one!

I don't understand what a sex-link is, don't think we get them here, can someone explain please????

And yes the first two are rather large and they are only 'babies' just over 20 weeks old!!
a sex link is when you cross two breeds of birds and you get chicks that can be "sexed" by their coloring. ie the girls are always one color and the boys are always another at hatching. "Two common varieties are the Black sex-link (also called Black Stars) and the Red sex-link (also called Red Stars). Blacks are a cross between a Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire rooster and a Barred Rock hen. Red sex-links are a cross between a Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire rooster and a White Rock, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Rhode Island White or Delaware hen. One example of a red linked breed is the Red Shaver. In Europe, the Cream Legbar (an actual true-breeding pure breed) and ISA Brown sex-links also exist." Wikipedia

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