New chickens have stopped laying


8 Years
Jul 27, 2011
Hello backyard chickens. This is officially my first post!

I have 4 chickens. 2 of which I've had for over a year, and the other 2 introduced to 'the flock' as of this April. The 2 new chickens had a hard time adjusting and got picked on quite a bit. Things have settled down considerably but it's still clear that they're at the bottom of the pecking order.

For a while all 4 were regularly laying eggs - the 2 new chickens often times keeping to themselves though.

Within the past month, they have really been secluding themselves and have all-together STOPPED laying. I added a 30 x 30 foot extension to the coop about 10 days ago - hoping this would help things. They are out and about a bit more - but still no eggs. I understand 10 days is not much time to see results. My guess is that they are stressed out. Bertha (the B*%*$ as i now call her) pecks at them quite a bit! On top of it all...I think they're beginning to molt! This seems to have started well after the egg laying stopped though - so Im not sure it's the culprit.

Any advice? I've read through a lot of the posts and know food and environment and water all play a big role. I'm pretty sure those food and water are not the problem. Also did a de-wormer about 2 weeks ago (Flubenvet), although they have not been showing an peculiar symptoms.

Thanks in advance!
Officially! It could be a heat thing and/ or they may be getting ready to molt.
Adding more...., I think you are on the right track with the stress being an issue as well. As long as they are eating, drinking and have the oyster shell free choice, I would give them more time.
They are eating - but are not quite full size. And of course now that they are starting to molt - they're looking shabby and a bit smaller. I'll give it time though.
Hmmm...never thought of that. I have one nesting box. They were all laying for a good 2 months before this started so at one point in time they did feel safe in it. I suppose i could look into making another one as an option...
Thanks, epeloquin. I suspect this a possible reason. But am not convinced
The egg-laying stopped well before the feathers started dropping. Watching them every day and how they interact with each-other - Im leaning towards Bertha (the bully) as being the cause of a lot of stress - and resulting in them holding their eggs.

Other than increasing their space to roam around during the day, I wonder if there's anything I can do to help them get along better?

Thanks again!

HI! I would put the bully in chicken jail for a couple of days.
Then when you let her out she will be at the bottom of
the pecking order. If you have a dog cage it works great
of you can section of a part of the coop where she can't be
with the other hens.

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