New chickens running the coop


In the Brooder
Jul 9, 2015
Ok, I'm new to chickens and I have a question. I got my first chickens last Thursday (6 American leghorns, 6 months old). On Sunday, I got two more chickens (1 barred rock and 1 Amicauna both a year old). The one year olds are scaring the younger ones. If one of the older ones is in the coop, the others will not go in (unless it is dusk). When they are in the run together, if the older ones think another has some food, they will chase her and peck her until she drops it. Is this normal or should I be worried? They don't seem to be hurting one another, but the younger ones get very skiddish when the older ones are around.

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Big or older chickens pick on small or younger chickens. Chicken society is frequently cruel. As long as blood is not being drawn, let them work things out. You might want to provide feed and water in several places to assure that all get to eat and drink enough.
Ok. Thanks. I haven't seen any blood and they don't seem to have any issues at night. I guess I will just keep an eye on them.

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