new chickens

fire sale chick

In the Brooder
5 Years
May 13, 2014
I have introduced 3 new chicks, about 3 months old, to my 3 older chickens. How long will it take for them to all get along?
How old are your three older chickens? How big is your coop? Your run? (Actual size, not "big enough" or "very big") How long has it been since you introduced them? Do you have some hiding places for the younger ones to get away from the older ones? How about more than one feeding and watering station? Do they get a chance to free range together?

Really, there is no set time for them to all get along, but having a hiding place, plenty of space, extra feeders and waterers, will all help the integration process. Free ranging is nice because the two flocks can each go their own way for a bit and be away from each other for a bit.
run is 4x8, coop is 4x5
That's a little cramped for full sized hens, but a lot depends on the breed too. If they are a very docile breed noted for being good with confinement, you might be ok once they all are equal in size. Minimum standard is 2sq ft per hen inside, 10 sq ft per hen in the run. So for 6, a run should be 6X10.
@bobbi-j gave good suggestions. All I could add to that is to offer a flake of alfalfa every few days in the run for them to forage and scratch if you can't let them out to free range. Best of luck to you!

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