New chicks arrived this morning!

Love cute! I think the big yellow fatty is a Cochin? Do you only have one of them? I have Cochins and they are my absolute favorite. Give him lots of cuddles and he'll grow up and give them right back to you.
Awwwwh! Those little fluff heads are adorable with their big afros!

Mine just got to the post office today but they went to the wrong post office so it's not right here by my work. They went to another town's post office. Not a big deal except now I can't check them myself, BF has to go get them and take them home and I can't see them until after work at 3:00
Thanks for the kind words y'all...and thank you Dwegg for the Cochin id! I just looked at a bunch of pics and I am sure you're correct.
I just read your other post KDaily. You must be going crazy! Hang in there, and try not to watch the clock too much! Can't wait to see pics of your new babies.
Very cute, I have some that are just over 1 1/2 weeks old and they are so cute I would like to have more but I really have to wait till I find out what I have now. I would like to have just a lot of hens but I seem to be getting a lot of roosters. With over 26+ unknown sex I really have to wait.

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