New Chicks in Brooder Tomorrow

Wheeler Farms Chickens

In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 1, 2011
Piedmont, South Dakota
This forum is going to make me CRAZY! Use newspaper, dont use newpaper for the first day. Use papertowels, dont use papertowels. This is my first venture into raising chickens. I need to know what to do and not second guess myself. What about a using old bed sheets on top of the pine litter? I already have the litter down about 1-2inches thick. I will be around for the first two days all day long to watch and care. PLEASE tell me what is the right thing to do.
im not by any means an expert but i used paper towels over shavings the first few days and then only shavings once they were a week old, it worked out great. I have heard the newspaper can give them leg problems so i would stay away from that. I only had to change out the paper towels twice a day and it was a pretty textured brand i hope that I helped some.
Oh i also used old bed sheets over litter and that worked for me too. I have never heard any one say anything bad about that. the only problem with the sheets is you have to have multiple sheets so you can switch them out.
I have used both paper towels ONLY for the first several days then switched to pine shavings; and also have used pine shavings immediately. For me personally, there was no difference noted. The chicks turned out fine both ways. Good luck!!
I used the medicated paper that shipped with my brooder set. I only used it for the first 4 days that I was told to use it for then just went to pine shavings. I don't think the paper was really medicated I think it had to do with the bumps so they didn't slip.
I started out with newspaper and regretted it Immediately! The paper got wet and wasn't nearly as absorbent as paper towel. I really didn't want the extra expense and waste of using paper towel, but had to balance it against sanity. Hope this helps.

Like parenting kids, it's really easy to think you are not doing the right thing - whatever you do, and so you end up learning as you go - second guessing goes with the territory

Good luck!
My first chicks are now 3 weeks old, and I used just pine shavings from the beginning and it was fine.

Try not to get too frustrated about all the conflicting advice you will get - it is just like raising kids - if you ask 100 people when to start feeding a baby solid food, you will get 100 different answers! A lot of it is just what works for YOU, there is not "right" and "wrong!"

Good luck with your chicks! Have fun!

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