New chicks in So Cal community


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 3, 2014
San Marcos, CA
Hi there,

My kids loved my story from when I was a kid, in China, and my only pet was a chick. She laid eggs Monday through Saturday, as we did going to school and our parents working those same 6 days each week, and she would take a rest on Sundays. She learned to find our apartment each evening when it starts to get dark, among 4 identical buildings, each with 4 identical entrance ways, 6 stories within each entrance way, and 3 apartments at each level, and she would cluck outside our door, and when we opened the door, she walks through the apartment to her little box/coop on the balcony. And each morning, we opened the doors to let her go out all by herself.

So now I got laid off from my last job, and having more time at home, guess what we got - 4 baby chicks that each of us picked and named one for our own :) ! The chicks were born on May 19th, and it's amazing how fast they grew. So fast that I feel we need their permanent home (coop/run) very soon. We've done a lot of researches online for pre-fabricated ones (all seemed to be tiny and not well made but expensive), and toyed with the ideas of making our own - we are not very handy... Still, no solution in sight for a good looking (no need to be so complicated!) and sizable one (we can accommodate 7 x 7 ft, right outside of my kitchen window where I'd like them to be).

Oh by the way, our HOA mentioned "no live stock", but someone said "chicks as pets, no more than 3, should be okay", we don't know if we've got any boy chicks yet... so no structure above 5 ft tall is a must for us.

So, ideas and suggestions are welcome!

Thanks for "listening".

SEH Chicks

I loved your story of the chicken you had as a child!
What an awesome hen you had!!

I'm sure you all will enjoy these four chicks!
I keep a lot of my chickens in pens that rest on the ground.
I also have a large coop, but now I prefer the pens.
I purposely made the pens the same height as a roll of wire, so I would not have to cut.
All I do is wrap the wire all around the frame and staple it.
I put doors on the front and the tops on the ends life up for easy access.
I put a crate or box inside so they can sleep inside if they want.


Welcome to BYC!

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our flock!
Thank you all so much for the welcomes and the info - AlienChick - that's a great point of having the height of the coop/run the same as the wire! Liz9910 - are you in the city in Northern California? We used to live in the Bay Area ourselves!

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