new chicks: or my life hovering over the brooder [update]


11 Years
May 23, 2008
after a little over two months of waiting (and i'm not a patient person in general), our chicks arrived today. the post office called before 7am. i'm also not a morning person. but my kids and mum and i dashed out the door in record time to retrieve our babies.

these guys came from my pet chicken and are astoundingly healthy. 3 barred rocks, 3 partridge rocks (why didn't anyone tell me these guys are total lunatics??), 3 rhode island reds, 3 black australorps, and 3 buff orpingtons, plus an extra barred rock which i'm really hoping is a pullet, though i'm not counting on it! i believe, since the shipping label indicated a starting destination of cleveland, that these guys are meyer hatchery chicks. only one pasty butt and no recurrence since. they really are disgustingly healthy and started eating and drinking immediately without a lot of help from us, so eight thumbs up from my family to MPC and meyer.

some pics:


fresh out of the box


brooder shot. i wish i'd picked a white light, just for the sake of pics. icky red heat lamp.


really evil and really hyper. all the PRs are complete freaks, but this one is the queen of them all. i've been referring to them as the gorgons. she's not aggressive or obnoxious like one of the RIRs, just only has one speed (158mph) and is wickedly precocious. she spent all day raking up big clods of peat with her tiny feet.

speaking of peat, so far i'm really happy with it as a substrate. no poopy smell and they're having a ball scratching and digging in it. they don't seem to be eating it at all, either.

i love these girls!

one of them already ate a spider today and i wanted to scold her for not waiting until she had grit, heh heh.
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these are my very first chicks and i was going a bit spare waiting for them to arrive. Lydia remarked to me that getting chicks in the mail was more exciting than christmas and she was totally right. i'm pretty well hooked now.

i know! i swear they were maturing before my eyes yesterday. they went from these dumb little blobs to self feeding, digging, scurrying apparatuses of doom. i mean, chickens.
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I cannot wait to get mine! Should be here next week!

My neighbor has 6 in his brood box. I stop by once or twice a week to check on their progress. They were born on the 3rd of July and in 4 weeks have gone from little fuzzybutts - to scrawny looking - to attitude covered feather hellions! I think they are plotting how to get out of the box by now!

We have been busting our buns for the past three weekends converting an old 8x12 tool shed getting ready for their arrival.

I cannot wait!

Enjoy yours - they will change before your eyes!
these pictures are from their first outing last week. they've been out since, but my kids weren't around, so i didn't have extra hands for the camera. as you can see, they're awfully skittish, unfriendly beasts.

this is in our temporary, day-time chicken run, a plastic calf hutch with some minor modifications (a hardware cloth door, latches, and covers on the windows. i moved the hen out of it for an hour, moved the hutch onto clean grass, and hustled the chicks in. the kids weren't far behind.





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