New chicks pecking and red irritated skin


11 Years
Jan 16, 2010
Powhatan Va
I got two Black Australorps and two Americaunas, today, 4 and two weeks more or less. There were probably 20 chicks in a 2 x 4 box, the Australorps both have missing feathers and red raw looking skin. The Americaunas look fine. Is this just normal feather growth, overcrowding or something else? I can't see any creepy critters, so should I just wait and see?
They are now sprawled in their new home eating, drinking and pooping normally. Really enjoying room to spread their wings.
Crowded hot chicks will peck each other. Yours are old enough to get mentally bored so give them plenty of room and things to do. If it's warm enough get them outside during the day on the grass, or even bring them fresh clean clumps of sod with dirt and grass to give them something to peck through, replace as necessary. You can also add roosts to their pen as well. I would watch for further pecking but not worry too much.
Thanks, that's what I was thinking, just wanted some reassurance. They are in the same size brooder they were sharing with 2 dozen others. They will. Be fine.
I got two Black Australorps and two Americaunas, today, 4 and two weeks more or less. There were probably 20 chicks in a 2 x 4 box, the Australorps both have missing feathers and red raw looking skin. The Americaunas look fine. Is this just normal feather growth, overcrowding or something else? I can't see any creepy critters, so should I just wait and see?
They are now sprawled in their new home eating, drinking and pooping normally. Really enjoying room to spread their wings.
I'm having the same problem with a few chicks of 4 weeks. I don't think it's pecking, I think it's their skin. Any ideas

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