New Chicks


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 22, 2013
Need advice...we have two hens one is a jersey giant and the other is a Barred Plymouth Rock both about 2 yrs of age...we are thinking of getting two road island reds about 6 weeks of age...I have been reading the forum about introducing new chicks but we don't have a flock sooooo that being said any advice do we need to keep them in a separate coop for 6 weeks???
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! It is generally best to wait until the chickens are about the same size before integrating them however many there are. If you can arrange it so your coop is divided or the chicks are in a cage etc inside the coop, so the birds can interact through the wire but they can't touch/ get a hold of each other, that works really well. The Learning Center has a nice article on integrating birds of various ages, (after the quarantine section)
Kelsie gave you good tips so I will just say

Welcome to BYC!

So glad you could join our community! Yes, as long as you mix them in slowly, with a few weeks of separation, but within the flock, mixing day should go off without a hitch. Always watch them for that first week and of course intervene should it turn bloody. Kelsie has left you with a great link on integrating flocks.

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our flock!

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