new chicks


5 Years
Apr 23, 2014
we just incubated 20 eggs and 15 hatched. this was our second try, the first time one hatched but was sick. Out of the 15 chicks two have since died. They looked of good size and at first were active. Any suggestions as to why?
we just incubated 20 eggs and 15 hatched. this was our second try, the first time one hatched but was sick. Out of the 15 chicks two have since died. They looked of good size and at first were active. Any suggestions as to why?
Hi ! ,
I put Poultry Nutri-Drench or Pet Nutri-Drops in my chicks water for the 1st 2 weeks of life. It doesn't need digesting. Mainlines directly to the bloodstream. Gets them off to a strong start. Stress can show up in different ways in chicks. These products help mitigate it. The 2 formulas are made by Bovid Labs and are excellent emergency nutritional supplements. No need for ay other supplements. Do not feed your chicks for the 1st 48 hours. It us during this time they draw the yolk into their bodies. If you feed them, there is the possibility they may not draw the yolk in all the way affecting their health. Give them the supplemented water and sprinkle some chick sized grit on the floor of the brooder. Use granite grit. It has nice harp edges which don't get dulled by the acid in the chicks gizzard, Plus it has shiny particles in it which attract the chick attention. Just buy the small 4 or 6 oz. bottle. They are very concentrated. Just one drop by mouth per chick every 8-10 hours as needed. I conversed with eh science techs at Bovidr labs and they told me Poultry Nutri-Drench and Pet Nutri-Drops can be used with the same usage and dosage instructions. 6.99 to 9.99 a bottle. Here's a fuller explanation :
Best Regards,
Karen in western PA, USA

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