New Chix Coming!!


9 Years
May 12, 2013
I am new to BYC and we are just about to be getting 6 baby chicks!! This is all new to us and we're really excited about it! We are all set with a brooder that my husband put together. I'll post pics later. Haven't started the coop and run yet so we do need to get going on that ASAP! From what I've read on here they grow fast!!
Can't wait to see photos of the babies - good luck
Thank you all for your welcome! I'm so excited I feel like I'm waiting for a baby. My husband will probably get the call that they are ready for pick up and he'll be the one to go pick them up since I'm at work during the day. I'd love to be picking them up, but, oh well. It's supposed to be anytime this week!! Can't wait!!!
Oh...just got a call from my husband..he received "the call" to go pick up our new baby chicks!!! He's all nervous...I'm so excited!!! Can't wait to see them when I get home tonight!!!
Congrats on the new chicks. What are you getting? I am 3 weeks ahead of you with my new chicks. I am also working on setting up the chicken coop/yard. I love vising with my little ladies.

We have 2 barred rocks, 2 silver laced wyandottes, and 2 EE's.
We have 2 Buff Orpintons, 2 Barred Rocks, 1 NH Red and 1 Americauna. We weren't really sure what to go with but we wanted cold winter hardy (for up here in NH), friendly and good egg layers. So far....they are the cutest ever. I couldn't stop watching them last night and this morning before work. I will post pics soon. We haven't even started the coop yet but need to move. I see how big they get so fast and we wont have room in the brooder. Starting Saturday!!

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