New cockerel with seemingly bloody chest


Aug 15, 2016
Hi all,
This morning we noticed some red splatter markings on our 9 week old Serama male’s chest - last night we thought we saw something like this right before roosting time but he’d had beetroot that day so we put it down to that. Today when he first came down there were no markings and he has no beetroot so I think we can rule it out. I’m enclosing a photo, my hope is that this is natural moulting made all the more obvious by the white feathers but my fear is that it’s something more serious. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.
Does he have any blood on his comb or wattles?
Sometimes mine catch their comb on something, making it bleed and when they preen it gets on their feathers. Or he could have just brushed against something.
Is he acting fine apart from that?
He might even have sat down or dustbathed where you gave him the beetroot.
Does he have any blood on his comb or wattles?
Sometimes mine catch their comb on something, making it bleed and when they preen it gets on their feathers. Or he could have just brushed against something.
Is he acting fine apart from that?
He might even have sat down or dustbathed where you gave him the beetroot.
Oo good point on potential beetroot stains from earlier, I’ll check for those. He’s a little nervous around our grumpy older hen (her beak being the only sharp thing in there) but we’ve been watching their interactions so far and I don’t think she’s beating him up (or if she is she’s waiting ‘til we’re not looking). They’ve known each other for four weeks, mostly positive interactions but she has been known to shove him with her chest if he’s being slow.

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