New coop help


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 25, 2013

I have been building a coop and its been a bigger job than I had thought. I have been using all scrap wood mostly so its been a ugly construction. I'm trying to post a picture so you guys can take a look. If I need to make changes please give me a heads up. I plan to have 3 to 4 hens. Red stars.


So far so good,I guess.Red was a good color to choose.You will run in to problems,I did.Let me know how your chickens like it.What breed do you have?

I asked my wife to buy me some paint and she came back with a gallon of red...
So my projects will be red for awhile I guess!

I plan to buy red star hens. A guy here in town has 100 birds all starting to lay.
Another question-
Should I feed and water in the house or down outside on the ground? I'm new to this so I want to try and set it up right.
And will it be fine to put the roost bar at the front of the house since its the taller area? I plan to put a window in the door that can be opened or closed. When the window is open the birds will be right in front of it on the roost bar.

Thanks everyone.
I think it looks pretty cute so far. How big is it? It looks a bit small if that is the only area you are going to have. Unless of course if you are planning to have them free range. Rule of thumb. 10 square foot per chicken for enclosed outside space.
I put food and water outside. I don't provide any food or water in the coop itself. They only use it at night and to lay their eggs. I'm new to chickens too, so that might be wrong. Who knows. But they seem happy so it must be okay..... :)
Ok I luckily have a walk-in coop so I wouldn't know about feeding in or out.I think your coop is adorable.I have silkies so they don't roost.I would suggest you get three hens to start,then if you can expand that would allow you to get more.PM me if you have any question.I'm pretty experienced with chickens so I hope I can help you with any problems.
I love my red star hen. She's beautiful and lays gorgeous very dark eggs! She was suppose to be a buff Orpington, but there was a tag mix up when I got her at a few days old. I'm very pleased with the mix up and will add more red stars to my flock.

You coop looks great! They will probably tear the grass into dirt if you keep them in all the time. I'm not sure if you plan to free range or not.

I love the color. My neighbor painted her coop that exact color, she has zero issues with the flock going to the coop.
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Red has actually been a good color for me.Anything I painted red didn't get torn into by predators.I know there color blind,but still maybe there is something to it I don't know?
Thank you all for the kind comments. I guess this will be sort of trial and error. It's mostly scrap wood so I can redo at will and not feel to bad. It was a real eye sore before we painted it. I was really sort of embarrassed.
Tearing up the grass I expect and will lay down wood chips or something after it happens. Expanding I will keep in mind. I really would like a white egg layer, a pretty white bird with red to go with the red stars. Maybe a leghorn?

I will be looking a breed pictures !

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