New coop in progress

This looks really good. Did you make it "from scratch" (no pun intended) or did you have plans for it?We are just getting into the chicken biz and I am looking for a coop to build about this size or maybe a bit larger...12-24 chickens. Thanks! Great job so far!
We looked at a bunch of plans we found online and used ideas from them to build it. My dad has been a carpenter all his life, so he is helping me a lot with the project. I don't think I ever could have tackled such a fancy thing on my own. My house is a Victorian, so the decorative details were more to make it kind of match the main house. It will get painted light green with off white trim (same colors as the main house).
Best part when we all finish a coop.... we realize we need more room... always need more room.

Looks great

Roof is finally in progress. PDZ ready to go in the poop board pan! Chicks are moving in this weekend, before my bathroom needs to be hosed out. They are escaping the bathtub multiple times a day now. And holy dustiness, lol.
Your coop looks fabulous and your Berners look adorable, esp the one wearing the hardhat and glasses! These pics made me happy and sad as we lost our three year old Berner last year to cancer. Malignant melanoma, how does a dog covered in black fur get malignant melanoma!?!

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