New Digs for the girls and the Boss


Jun 11, 2020
Central California
Well, you all have been an amazing help. We started six weeks ago with six new baby girls (or so we thought), which had been a dream of mine since I was a little girl tending my grandmas chickens each Summer (and whenever we were there on weekends, which was a lot! Scattering the feed so I could enter the pen and go collect the eggs is a fond memory.) Now we have rebuilt an existing coop that was falling apart, built a run, poop drawer, and roosts, as well as feeder, waterer and boy did that take a long three weekends! My husband was a good sport as I changed, added and request things along the way that seemed to make the project drag on forever! But now all I have to do is some trim painting on the outside and we still need to dig the ground around the run for the skirting, but they are secure and having a great time in their outside digs. Pecking, scratchi at the ground, already chose a spot for their dirt bath and didn’t cry too much when I made them go into the coop for the night. Well, not tooooo much ( broke my heart to hear them cry). I know they are scared but I feel confident that we checked every edge, border and trim for any spot that a anything could get in, it’s pretty predator proof. I am so excited for them. So thanks if you had input, and thanks in advance if you have any in the future! 9770365E-D5E5-4660-A6FC-66BA155FE32A.jpeg 569D5084-398B-4115-8FD0-63C355F69C05.jpeg DEE81891-2C37-47F7-8162-5CAD63F7C7CB.jpeg 958815D2-CABE-4BA2-94FA-D3E1209661B5.jpeg CD175EF3-5983-40F9-AA37-C641B34254C4.jpeg 7FE3EF5F-F18D-49C6-BC21-893756BF58F3.jpeg 77A12FDD-E19E-4792-BEE3-B4D209615660.jpeg 4F41464C-4660-448E-A54A-659E6D6892CE.jpeg 11779805-DFDA-4B33-BE94-931AC24BA698.jpeg 66BEB91F-2996-4C4C-8E2C-6362822511F5.jpeg 259805C5-EA8A-4CE1-B0A7-85E7CE7413D1.jpeg 46FF5D46-8F9E-4C2B-A54F-3642806B1537.jpeg 9770365E-D5E5-4660-A6FC-66BA155FE32A.jpeg 73DE741F-C936-42AD-A531-8BB2649E5A90.jpeg 583A4F7E-4D99-44AD-B0FF-3F1540A8A3A1.jpeg L
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So proud of my girls! And Mr too! Tonight is night three in the coop, the first two nights I had to go in to the run and physically catch each of them and put them in the coop to close them in, last night being a tad easier. Well, tonight they went in and got up on their roosts all by themselves! Woohoo, such a proud mama! I knew they would get it eventually but the third night was a surprise to me!

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