New d'Uccle Color?


9 Years
Jul 11, 2011
I bought these d'Uccles locally from somebody who said they are "project birds". She had Mille Fleurs, Porcelains, Black Mottleds and Blue Mottleds in her breeding pens. They're such a beautiful color, and I've never seen any others close to looking like them. I feel as if it's my duty, as one of the sole owners of these birds, to try and make them into something special. I may possibly even need some help from others once I get them going good. I believe that they may need some work on their type and size, but their beards, muffs, foot feathers, and vulture hocks are awsome. They're friendly little guys and love to be spoiled. The person that I bought them from said that they were Lemon Blues, but I've been calling them Lemon Blue Mottleds due to the spots. I feel like if I let these guys slip away from me, I may be letting down fanatical d'Uccle fans everywhere, lol. Improving a strain of chickens is so much work, though. What do you guys think, should I go for it?


Here are my best two. My other hen, Opal, doen't have very bold feather coloring, so I'm not going to use her. (not to mention she's a beard-plucking little pain, lol)


Dusk has 4in foot feathers and a nice, full beard and muff. (He's molted the broken tail feathers since this pic and is in the process of growing in new ones).


Tiara has 3 1/2in long foot feathers, which is a huge plus


When they were chicks.


Starting to feather out.


Back when they were little juveniles. (It's so weird seeing Dusk with a tail, lol. It's been soooo long since he had one.
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They are very beautiful, I think they are calico's, someone with more experience in Duccles, will hopefully chime in. I'm only starting out with them. I have mostly all boys Porcelain and 1 Mille Fleur. But they are very pretty. I'd buy eggs.
Thank-you mstricer! I looked up Calico d'Uccles on the internet and could only find a few Cochins that were called that. There are some cochins that I found on a breeder's website called Mille Fleurs that are colored just like my D'uccles, but they aren't Mille Fleur colored at all, lol. If I manage to get my birds established and safe before the raccoon finds them, I'll PM you and we might be able to try an experimental egg shipment
(I've never shipped eggs before, BUT I have recieved eggs before and I remember how they were packaged)
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They look like the start of Blue Mille Fleur...A Lemon Blue Cock would have lemon hackles and a blue body, where this one is the opposite....nevertheless, very pretty coloring on them.
They look a bit like some of the porcelain / Mille fleur crosses I've seen, but there appears to be more of a porcelain in the body in places. Very pretty though! I'm like you, just starting out. Good luck!
They look like a combination of all the colors, light buff color from Porceline, mottling from all of them but appear splash with black hackles saddles. interesting.
I could be mistaken, but I dont think you can have self blue (lav) and andalusian blue show up on the same bird. You can get a real pale blue that looks like self blue. A person could go several different ways with those birds, depending on what you want to make. When you add blue to mille fleur, you will dilute the red body color to a light buff.
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those look like they are silver splash mille fleurs... breed one of them into a normal mille fleur to see if you get 100% blue mille fleur... my mille fleur OEGB just gave me one porcelain and one silver mille fleur... he only has a tiny bit of orange on his shoulder like your roo...

very nice looking birds btw...

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