New Duck Mobile!


10 Years
Jan 15, 2010
Southern Minnesota
I just finished working on an old chicken tractor that is now a glorified duck mobile! Our rooster is not so fond of newcomers, and I don't think our chicken waterer could stand up to ducks playing with it. So we're starting with this.

Our first ducks fell victim to raccoons. I was so sad when I found that they had scraped the ground under the run and pulled them out piece by piece from underneath. There are more specifics on my blog . But I put a latch to hold the roof down incase of another wind storm, and I put 6" or more of hardware cloth around the perimeter of the run so when they dig they will hopefully get a broken nail or two. The inside is painted and there's linoleum on the floor to withstand the water they play with. Do you have any other suggestions? There are lots of predators here since we don't have a dog and live on a river.


This is the before


And after!



And the latch:

We have a long list of predators in the area, too.

I have every opening in their night shelter covered with half inch hardware cloth. The bottom of their porch, attached to their house, has hardware cloth all around, including underneath.

Their day run has coated chain link fence underneath the whole thing, and fence across the top, as well.

I lock the doors at night - I have been told raccoons can often jiggle latches till they open.

I have two strands of equine electric tape around the night shelter (house and porch), which I hook up at night.
That looks so nice. I wouldn't have thought it was the same tractor. My only suggestion is to put a lock (spring loaded or carabeener) on the latch. Anything you need thumbs to work would be fine. You did a great job!

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