New ducks not laying eggs!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 29, 2012
Hello! One week ago, I bought two ducks - a khaki and a buff. The first three days, I had 2 eggs (which I thought was amazing bc I thought they'd be too scared to from all the running around we did to get them into the co-op!!) Well, one they go into the co-op just nicely at night, even waiting for me! But no eggs! I let them free range in the backyard during the day. I have water in the co-op and several water pots around the yard. I have grit and shells for them. I feed them at night some organic layer feed, some frozen peas, and a few meal worms. They won't let me touch them, but I can get close enough to check them out and they look ok. So what's up?
Probably just stressed from the move. The first eggs you got were probably just because they were previously laying and the eggs were already "ready" to be laid if you know what I mean. They can't just stop cold turkey when something changes. After they've had more time to settle they should start laying again regularly.

Also, since they free-range part of the day, they could be laying somewhere else outside. Sometimes one of my females doesn't lay in the Duck House before they are let out in the morning. In those cases, I'll find an egg out in the yard somewhere later in the day.
Congrats on the egg. They were probably just stressed from the move. They are creatures of habit. My ducks lay more eggs then my chickens.

Shorter daylight days may have something to do with it and also that is alot of drakes to females. Are they girls constantly being bred? That can cause stress and no eggs.

X2. Separate the drakes out and see if you get any eggs. It may be harder for them to start this time of year, though. Good luck.

The girls, Cocoa and Almond, really look stressed, huh? And nope, no eggs this morning!
I'm having the same issue, I bought my Indian Runners for about 17 days now and no eggs. I'm frustrated cause I want some ducklings and I want them to have adult feathers by fall. I do not know what to do. :(

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