New Ducks


6 Years
Nov 1, 2013
OK so I want to get 2 more ducks to go with my runners. I was hoping to get 1 male and 1 female. I am stuck between getting muscovy or buff orpingtons. which one is friendlier as in which like to be help more or sit in laps etc. Plus any pros and cons on either breed would help. Any help would be greatly appreciated
I raise both Buff Orpington ducks and Muscovys.

Both are very sweet and gentle breeds. My Buffs are housed with the geese, and follow them everywhere. They will usually follow me around if I have food, but normally like to stay in the Goose yard and around the Goose House. I didn't socialize with them as much as I should have when they were ducklings, but they are still very sweet and a lot quieter than my other ducks (minus the Muscovies). They lay a nice sized white egg and are great free rangers and are a beautiful shade of buff. Never had an aggressive BO duck, they are a very calm breed.

I have 6 Muscovys, 3 males and 3 females. All are as sweet and docile as could be. They act more like puppy dogs than ducks. They follow me around everywhere and are always underfoot. They tend to stay in their own group, and don't mingle with the other ducks much. They do sleep with the other ducks sometimes, but prefer to roost on top of my Sportsman incubators or on top of the breeding cages. They are excellent flyers and can fly quite a long distance, especially if something scares them. One of my big, fat, Muscovy drakes flew above our house and circled several times before crash landing in the garden. They are extremely quiet, the females tend to do a soft cooing noise, while the males tend to do a "shhhh shhhhhh shhh" noise. When ever they start "talking" to me, they start cooing and shhh-ing and stick their bottoms up in the air and start wagging them. I told you they were like dogs!!

Couldn't find a good picture of my Buff Orpington ducks, but here are some of my Scovies:

Hershey - Chocolate Scovy drake

Hershey, and Dawn (white female), and Maggie (blue pied female), they're all wagging their tails in the picture.

Blessings -

~ Aspen
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i like you male duck i have scovy they will follow me around and eat out of my hand and talk to me they do like to fly to me when i have food they always stop right befor they get to me some times i think i have to dunk lol i think my scovy are very nice and like to follow people around when i m working they always want to see what i m doing
I raise both Buff Orpington ducks and Muscovys.

Both are very sweet and gentle breeds. My Buffs are housed with the geese, and follow them everywhere. They will usually follow me around if I have food, but normally like to stay in the Goose yard and around the Goose House. I didn't socialize with them as much as I should have when they were ducklings, but they are still very sweet and a lot quieter than my other ducks (minus the Muscovies). They lay a nice sized white egg and are great free rangers and are a beautiful shade of buff. Never had an aggressive BO duck, they are a very calm breed.

I have 6 Muscovys, 3 males and 3 females. All are as sweet and docile as could be. They act more like puppy dogs than ducks. They follow me around everywhere and are always underfoot. They tend to stay in their own group, and don't mingle with the other ducks much. They do sleep with the other ducks sometimes, but prefer to roost on top of my Sportsman incubators or on top of the breeding cages. They are excellent flyers and can fly quite a long distance, especially if something scares them. One of my big, fat, Muscovy drakes flew above our house and circled several times before crash landing in the garden. They are extremely quiet, the females tend to do a soft cooing noise, while the males tend to do a "shhhh shhhhhh shhh" noise. When ever they start "talking" to me, they start cooing and shhh-ing and stick their bottoms up in the air and start wagging them. I told you they were like dogs!!

Couldn't find a good picture of my Buff Orpington ducks, but here are some of my Scovies:

Hershey - Chocolate Scovy drake

Hershey, and Dawn (white female), and Maggie (blue pied female), they're all wagging their tails in the picture.

Blessings -

~ Aspen

Wow both sound good! Thanks for your help! Now i have 2 questions about the muscovies. 1st How well would they get along with my runners? and 2nd I let my ducks out of their pen to follow me around my yard. since muscovy ducks can fly when I let them out if they fly will they fly away or will the fly up and come back? ( I think it would be really cool to see them fly!)
my muscovy left for 3 days i thought she was gone for good well one day i looked out my window and saw her in the pool taking a bath so i ran out side got her and clipped her wings now i just only keep her wings clipped but i m going to start doing my whole flock they should get along with your runner and if you rasie you duck where you live they wont leave my duck was not raised here
my muscovy left for 3 days i thought she was gone for good well one day i looked out my window and saw her in the pool taking a bath so i ran out side got her and clipped her wings now i just only keep her wings clipped but i m going to start doing my whole flock they should get along with your runner and if you rasie you duck where you live they wont leave my duck was not raised here

ok so It would not be necessary to clip their wings because I do raise them where I live? so even if they fly up and around they will come back, cause they know where they live? Kinda like outdoor cats?
i like you male duck i have scovy they will follow me around and eat out of my hand and talk to me they do like to fly to me when i have food they always stop right befor they get to me some times i think i have to dunk lol i think my scovy are very nice and like to follow people around when i m working they always want to see what i m doing
My like to stay on the back porch where I keep my feed buckets. Several times I went out to get some feed and they popped out of the bucket and liked to scare me to death!

Wow both sound good! Thanks for your help! Now i have 2 questions about the muscovies. 1st How well would they get along with my runners? and 2nd I let my ducks out of their pen to follow me around my yard. since muscovy ducks can fly when I let them out if they fly will they fly away or will the fly up and come back? ( I think it would be really cool to see them fly!)

My Muscovys like to stay in their own group, even though they were raised around my other ducks, they tend not to mingle with them overly much. But, they do get along with my other ducks very well. The only problem I can foresee is during breeding season the Muscovy drake's hormones will be raging and he might decide to start humping your Runners. Muscovys are a meat breed and can get very large (I wouldn't be surprise if my males weighed 10-15 lbs each) so they could hurt your Runners. My Muscovy females are very laid back, and my other drakes (not Muscovies) like to breed them all.the.time. So, that is the main reason they stay as far away from the other ducks as possible.

As far as flying, just keep their wings clipped, like creaturelife said. Although I've never clipped mine, and I have a hankering that even if their wings were clipped they could still easily top a 4 ft fence or something taller. A covered run might be in order.

Once, one of my geese (who's wing's I just clipped on one side) flew several hundred feet up in the air and circled the front pasture and landed way out in the cow pasture.
my muscovy left for 3 days i thought she was gone for good well one day i looked out my window and saw her in the pool taking a bath so i ran out side got her and clipped her wings now i just only keep her wings clipped but i m going to start doing my whole flock they should get along with your runner and if you rasie you duck where you live they wont leave my duck was not raised here

Blessings -

~ Aspen
ok so It would not be necessary to clip their wings because I do raise them where I live? so even if they fly up and around they will come back, cause they know where they live? Kinda like outdoor cats?
you would not have to clip their wings and yes they will fly up and about but they will come back and stay that was the only duck that i had leave
you would not have to clip their wings and yes they will fly up and about but they will come back and stay that was the only duck that i had leave

Great! I think it will be muscovies for me.
I am really looking forward to watching them fly around and come down for a landing I hear its really cool to see! thanks for your help
My like to stay on the back porch where I keep my feed buckets. Several times I went out to get some feed and they popped out of the bucket and liked to scare me to death!

My Muscovys like to stay in their own group, even though they were raised around my other ducks, they tend not to mingle with them overly much. But, they do get along with my other ducks very well. The only problem I can foresee is during breeding season the Muscovy drake's hormones will be raging and he might decide to start humping your Runners. Muscovys are a meat breed and can get very large (I wouldn't be surprise if my males weighed 10-15 lbs each) so they could hurt your Runners. My Muscovy females are very laid back, and my other drakes (not Muscovies) like to breed them all.the.time. So, that is the main reason they stay as far away from the other ducks as possible.

As far as flying, just keep their wings clipped, like creaturelife said. Although I've never clipped mine, and I have a hankering that even if their wings were clipped they could still easily top a 4 ft fence or something taller. A covered run might be in order.

Once, one of my geese (who's wing's I just clipped on one side) flew several hundred feet up in the air and circled the front pasture and landed way out in the cow pasture.

Blessings -

~ Aspen

so should I separate them from the runners during mating season? also i do have a coverd run do to the abundance of hawks and turkey vultures in my area. Thanks for all your help!

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