New egg layer walking funny


Jun 17, 2016
Pearland, TX
Our black australorp just started laying this week. First egg was Tuesday, then another Thursday, and another today (Friday). Now I see her walking funny this afternoon. Almost like a half squat, half limp. Did she dislocate a hip laying her egg or something?? What in the world??
The leg itself looks fine. I haven’t tried to pick her up yet. But there’s no trees in the run and we don’t have a rooster. The roosts are about 38” off the floor.
Have had some limpers, who know how they do it<shrugs>.
As long as it can get around OK and able to eat, drink, dust bathe...
...just give it time, it can take quite a while to fully 'heal'.

If limp is really bothering them by inhibiting their normal activities too much, I will isolate them in a crate to 'force' rest for a day or two. Letting them out late in day, an hour before roost time, to give them a stretch and evaluate their mobility, then decide if they need another day and put them back in crate off roost after dark. Repeat stretch and eval the next day until they are better. Keep crate in coop so bird can remain 'with' the flock.
So far she doesn’t seem phased by it at all. And it almost looked like it wasn’t even as bad so far today. So that’s good. I was surprised by how quickly she started laying so consistently. We’ve already had 5 eggs in 6 days and she’s for sure the only one already laying. :celebrate
The vet gave us pain killers and put an injection in her upper thigh. She was walking properly again within a week. Our hen was also laying eggs everyday while she had the limp.
Our black australorp just started laying this week. First egg was Tuesday, then another Thursday, and another today (Friday). Now I see her walking funny this afternoon. Almost like a half squat, half limp. Did she dislocate a hip laying her egg or something?? What in the world??
How is this girl doing today?
She looks heavy.Whenever my big birds fly off roosts or even from my arms they start limping sometimes,it could very well be her weight,nothing you can do about but make sure she has easy acces to getting down and up on the floor.
Also,she is a beautiful hen.

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