New eggs and uses?


9 Years
Jul 21, 2010
The hens have been laying for a week or so... the eggs are good - thick shells, nice shapes, colors (brownish, tanish, sometimes pinkish), yolks are nice dark yellow, whites are nice and thick....
I've been using them for cooking - pies etc.... but today we had an even dozen and my son LOVES devilled eggs.... so i boiled my normal 10 minutes so they will be nicely done - and they were not only difficult to peel... some the whites were very mushy. My son ate a couple and said they were really a strange consistancy....
I'm assuming this is normal for newer eggs?
I don't know about the texture issue, but fresh eggs will be almost impossible to peel. I would put a few in the refrigerator for a week or so and let them age then try to hardboil them. My friend had the same issue when I gave her a dozen and she tried to hardboil them the same day. Makes sense. Store eggs have been several days from the chicken to the home. They develop a larger air pocket and I think that is why they are easier to peel. Maybe someone else here knows how long they should be stored before boiling.
Store-bought eggs are more like several weeks from being laid to even getting to your typical grocery store, not several days.

I have eggs in the fridge that were laid about three or four weeks ago, and even they were almost impossible to peel after being boiled. I found that boiling them then leaving them overnight in the fridge makes the job a little easier.
If you just must boil a fresh egg try adding several (3 or 4) tablespoons of salt to the water. That seems to help as much an anything else I've tried.
My DH makes a pin hole in the end each one before boiling too, she claims that helps make them easier to peel. Although I did a dozen that were a couple of weeks old yesterday without the holes--8 minute rolling boil in tsp of salty water and 8 minutes in ice water. Peeled like a dream.
When I first joined BYC I searched all thru for the best ways to peel fresh hard-boiled eggs. Only ONE way works every single time...after trying all listed. I've passed this technique on to other friends who have laying hens and they are very happy I told them. So here it is....
1. Boil water first...I put nothing in the water and do nothing to the eggs like salt or pin prick.
2. Place eggs into the boiling water
3. Make sure water is boiling and continue to boil for 6 more and no less
4. After 6 minutes of boiling, turn heat off, put lid on and leave on for 5 more and no less.
5. Now the hot but easy part.....dump out hot water but do NOT put cold water on the eggs.
6. One egg at a time, run enough cold water over the egg so you can hold it to crack and peel.
7. Do this for each egg and you'll be able to peel them so easily. I'm able to peel eggs hatched the same day sometimes in only a few pieces...the shell comes off almost whole.

The key is to make sure you don't cool them before peeling. I boil eggs almost every week, peel and keep in the fridge. Eggs come out perfect.

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