New farm lover in VA!


7 Years
Aug 5, 2012
Richmond, VA
Originally from PA and in VA now. First time with a farm. Having grown up around friends with farms, always had a longing for the lifestyle. Now I have a 5 acre plot with multiple fenced areas - all I had to do was add the animals. It all started with an adoption of 8 hens and 2 goats. That has grown over 10 months and I now have 23 chickens, 3 ducks, 8 quail, two goats, a barn cat and 29 eggs in the incubator that have made it past the first candling :) The free range eggs are awesome, I have never had better quiche, I love recycling in the compost pit and feeding scraps to the animals! Anyone in the Richmond area wanting to network, let me know.
Best of luck to you! Working towards something similar myself, and always encouraging to see others making it work.
from Alabama. Glad you joined us.

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