Announcement New Feature - Sort By Total Reactions / Likes


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
We've added this great feature which allows you to toggle between the sort order of the thread:
  • Chronological / Date (default)
  • Total number of reactions
This should help bubble-up some of the "top" content withing a long thread.

Keep in mind: the first post is always at the top of the sort, regardless of how many reactions it has received.

Here's what the button looks like:


NOTE: This is TOTAL reactions (all reactions combined for a post). We may develop it out further in the future to sort by specific types of reactions... but that's a much bigger programming challenge / project!

Let us know what you think!
Ok, I just played with it on this thread, it took the 3rd post and put it as the 1st one which I expected, but it actually labeled it as the 1st. Is there a way to "lock" the post number to the individual comment so that you can still tell what order they belong in when they are sorted by reaction?
Ok, I just played with it on this thread, it took the 3rd post and put it as the 1st one which I expected, but it actually labeled it as the 1st. Is there a way to "lock" the post number to the individual comment so that you can still tell what order they belong in when they are sorted by reaction?
There are pros / cons to both, but we're open to suggestions and what is most user-friendly!
There are pros / cons to both, but we're open to suggestions and what is most user-friendly!
The only con I can think of is if they are locked to the comment and a mod has to go clean up, that would make an obvious hole in the thread where you can see how many posts were deleted etc. Not sure if that's actually a problem or not, you can usually tell it's been messed with anyway.

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