New from Canada

Sue Trudel

In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 19, 2008
Hi, from Sue in Alberta, Canada. New here and new to internet too. How the heck do I find the Canada page here. Owner of many breeds of chickens, turkeys, ducks, pheasants, quail and peacocks.
Also 8 mini donkeys [to keep coyotes away], 3 large dogs, 3 cats
and 7 house birds, including a rescued macaw with a big attitude
and even bigger bite. And I wonder why I can't find a husband.
There's no room. Oh yea, 6 baby peacocks in the bathroom cause
winter sucks and it's only started.
Welcome to BYC from BC. The only page dedicated to a specific area is the "Where am I" section where people list where they come from. There is a canada thread there. Beyond that just post in the appropriate topic area and have fun.
, Sue! I'm so glad you found the forum!
Welcome, Oh Northern Neighbor!

Don't worry, there are guys out there who tolerate animals.

I found one. He likes my chickens better than my dogs!
I'm from Michigan, too, so another one of your "neighbors."

We have lots of Canadian members, so head on over to the "Where am I?" section and say hello! (And of course, please post pics of your chickens whenever you're able!)

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