New from Maryland


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 16, 2011
Maryland, US
Hello. My name is Katelyn and I live on the eastern shore of Maryland, just 5 minutes from Delaware. I have 3 goats, 1 dog, 1 cat, and 11 new chick additions. They came from a flock down the road of Americanas, Sex Links (I believe red and black), and Barred Rocks. I didn't get to see the parents, just took my picks from the woman selling them. Out of 24 eggs 11 hatched and are still happily cheeping around at 2 and a half weeks old. They grow so fast!!

I have 25 Red Stars on order for later this month and I can't wait to get them! My order apparently comes with a free "rare" chicken, but I have no clue what the breed will be. They all come as day old chicks from McMurray Hatcheries. I didn't really want to mail order but I was having trouble finding what I wanted in the area. The chicks from the woman down the road were sort of my "test run". I am having a lot of fun with them and I love them so much! They're all mixed up as far as the breeds go but I think I can figure out what they are.. one of them I believe is a red sex link roo, he's my favorite. Other than him and maybe one other that looks similar to him, I have no clue whats roo or hen. I can tell which ones are americanas, they're very distinct! Although mine have tails and I was pretty sure they weren't supposed to?

Anyway, I'm glad to be here and I love reading about chickens. I can't wait until mine are producing eggs. My ultimate goal is to have a small farm going so I can sell eggs, meat, and dairy products (from my goats). Its very exciting to watch my dream becoming a reality!
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from Ohio. So glad you joined. I think you will like it here.
Fireman Farmer says
I have gotten all my chicks for the last 2 years from McMurrays also they are very good to deal with. I just got 12 of three diffrent breeds from them on Monday and they sent 4 extras. You will find just about everything that you ever wanted to know on here. If you can't find it just ask and somebody will know. Good luck with the new flock.
Thanks for all the welcomes!! My fiance has family in both Ohio (near Youngstown) and Indiana (South Bend). I'm in Henderson, MD, which is near Centreville. I've never heard of Toddville, I'm a little new to the area myself. I'm originally from NJ.

Looking at googlemaps, Toddville is almost 2 hours south of me. You're way down there! I work in Annapolis so I had to stay kinda close to the bridge.

Its so nice to meet everyone

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