New from North Idaho


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 23, 2009
Coeur d'Alene Idaho
Just to show you that I respect the rules
Here are the questions form the template, dutifully answered...

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
We have kept chickens for five years...

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?

This is a public forum...If I told you, then my husband would you promise not to tell? 19 in the north coop, 6 in the barn, 10 in the brooder, more on order...only one left in the freezer, and that's "downsized" for the winter;)

(3) What breeds do you have?

The great Assortment of layers, but for breeding stock: Ameraucanas, Andalusians, and Brabanters. The Andalusians are sold, but will still be here another week...anyone want fertile eggs??? I want Speckled Sussex - from a local breeder - anybody close by?

(4) How did you find out about

Who doesn't know about BackYard Chickens?

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?

I have no life outside of farming. Farming is life. Well, Bible Study in town...but I talk about the farm there too...

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
A DH who lives by the "Don't ask, don't tell" farm creed - if it is self-supporting, and I'll take care of it, it can stay, Gotta love him!
Four kiddos...including a nine-year who refuses to eat poultry that is not free-range, farm raised (he asked the Costco "tasty-lady" that offered him a sample in the store about the chicken's origin - and politely declined the industrially produced meat saying "I only eat free-range") a 14 year old daughter who writes essays for her English class on the horrors of commercial meat production(...I tell you, I'm a loose cannon...)Other pets: 23 Icelandic sheep getting ready to lamb, 4 dairy goats, 4 llamas, 6 horses, 9 Indian Runner ducks, 3 Roman Tufted geese, a pair of Bourbon Red turkeys, four dogs, 8 barn cats, and an attic full of bats.

I frequently leap on to my eat-fresh eat-local, humane-raised, farm fresh, sustainable, chicken-in-every-backyard soap box, and am difficult to silence once I am on a roll...but I participate in several forums, and have good etiquette.
Looking forward to being in a haven of like-minded people who do not need convincing on the subject of chickens

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